
@Deekle: Do you realize how many toys that statement could apply to? Anything with moving parts, anything with small pieces, anything that could be swallowed/ingested, anything that has sharp corners, anything that has round corners (ha) but could be used as a bludgeoning tool.......

@Stem_Sell: I'm starting to recognize your posts before I even look at the name...

@Akio Morita: Not mainstream, but they enjoyed some celebrity in specific subculture circles.

@willyolio: Seems like that would correspond to the data that suggests dog owners enjoy longer lives as well.

@Knef: It definitely is counter-intuitive. I'm not sure what the original justification was for it. Maybe "To start doing anything, go here."

The cookies look like they're floating to me. And the dog's nose looks cartoonishly long.

@Snes: I don't think it's astigmatism, as I've got it in both eyes iirc and I can do it.

@Alchemistmerlin: You make a valid point. Mine's much more entertaining a mental picture though... And think of the community spirit! Everyone could be singing Kumbaya or that Coke song about helping the world or other cheesy socialist ditty.

@Moonshadow Kati: I'm glad you enjoyed it because I feel like I need to take a shower now, after piling up so much bullshit. ;)

@snownpaint1: While hilarious, that makes me a little sad.

@mipakr: Really, they should have made it like 10¢ and had it on-use. Would probably net much, much more.

@Moonshadow Kati: Let me introduce you to America, Kati... The land of the opportunistic, the lazy, the unmotivated. Accomplishing things through what you call "cheating" (really it's simply "strategic manipulation of game functionality") adds another level of skill and enjoyment that people who persevere simply do

@jdale: Breaks less often than escalators.

@DARSFOG: Who needs sports teams to bring in applicants? Shoots & Ladders-style academic centers would top all wish lists!

@Kaiser-Machead: Some laptop bags even come with multiple pockets so you can organize stuff into appropriately sized/grouped areas! It's like magic, only more rudimentary!

@Geisrud: I think it's supposed to go in your carry-on.