
Thanks for following up... Like I said, I really was hoping it wasn't just an urban legend that we "on the outside" perpetuate because it makes us feel better. FWIW, I hope you are doing well and I'm sorry that you suffered at the hands of someone you should have been able to trust to protect you from that sort of

Personally, I think everyone should adhere to the "choose wisely" part when considering any sexual liaison. I mean, regardless of all possible precautions you can take, there is always that ridiculously small chance that you can't completely eliminate. I'd rather pass on a couple of orgasms than reproduce with someone

I hear things like this all the time... I really hope it's not an urban legend.

Yes, but we all know what happens when people imitate Apple's "best practice" decisions.

(It's not an Android tablet.)

I think it's a swipe up from the bottom or down from the top of the bezel. From what I've read, it does have a little bit of a learning curve, but after that it works really intuitively. Haven't had my hands on it yet though.

Is there any reason why you couldn't conceivably use the land around the mills to other effects? Perhaps like real farming?

Ugh. Cannot be unseen. >.<

Most of the entries can't even be called articles at this point. Hell, even 'blog post' is starting to be extremely generous. Gizmodo is starting to turn into my FB/Buzz feed—-where I post links to random stuff that caught my interest with a 1-2 sentence summary or thought about the content.

And then there's the obvious — if you MUST ship back 300 empty containers on this load and you only have 400 "container spaces" available on ship, then being able to condense 300 into 60 gives you the opportunity to carry 340 full containers instead of just 100.

"All men are created equal" is not speaking to intelligence or talent or beauty. It is referencing every single person's equivalent humanity, every person's right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. Some may have more of those than others—-that does not mean they are better people. All that line is saying is

@AJ: Yea, that's EXACTLY what everyone needs right now, no?

@Gordonium has W blue sky lives: I n—we need more pictures of this man. I mean, most of the other ones came in twos or threes, after all... it's only fair. <.<

@willyolio: *thinks* I totally have enough money to buy plane tickets to Africa and an extra-large butterfly net. This could work.

@Dreamwriter: Part of me really thinks that cuddling with a tiger would be worth that and more.

@iconeater: You, sir, are a terrible, terrible man.

@iconeater: Well... there goes a little more of my faith in humanity. I hope you don't need that later in life.

This is just a general expression of bewilderment... but the commercials are one of the only reasons that the Super Bowl is watched as much as it is. This is the first year I've had to avoid "commercial spoilers." I'm really surprised so many companies are leaking their commercials or have had them leaked this year.

@minardi: At least there's no beige or camo in there!