So what you’re saying is that anyone without interest in the NBA is racist? That is assuming 45 refers to President Shithead.
So what you’re saying is that anyone without interest in the NBA is racist? That is assuming 45 refers to President Shithead.
Like many chain restaurants, there is no one person named P.F. Chang—it’s a combination of the founders’ names.
One part NBC didn’t skimp on? The introduction of the U.S. delegation, which in real life took 62 seconds but which appeared on American television to take more than seven minutes. (They looped parts, which is why you heard the same portion of Psy’s “Gangnam Style” over and over again.)
When I heard ‘the NBA is investigating Russell Westbrook’s pushing of a fan on-court after last night’s game’ the only thing I could think was yeah - investigate where this guy was sitting, where he got the tickets, and make sure he never sets foot in that arena again.
1,000,000% agree. This is THEIR JOB and they CHOSE THIS JOB. Having multiple friends who have been victims of (violent) sexual assault, or in the wake of Larry Nassar’s 150+ child victims... this is just RIDICULOUSLY DUMB
I think comparing this to the #metoo movement is pretty offensive to the movement that is based around sexual harassment. The grid girls were not forced to do this and they are also being paid to be there as well.
Kenny Bania of Coaching Lands Gold, Jerry.
Wins are shit, man. Pedro only won 219.
Never meet your heroes.
Maybe Lavar thought it was the Balltic League?
The context does not at all excuse fans throwing shit at players. You don’t do that ever, even if a player is “acting like a child.” It seriously amazes me that you or anyone else would think that is ever an ok thing to do at a game.
Former soldier here. I care, even though I never went to the academy. My father-in-law (former sailor) and I have been blasting each other texts and memes all week as we always do in the run up.
Cue the people who will be trying to make jokes about this awful topic...
He’s a black dude. From Florida. Who recruited like a madman at USF. They’re salivating. Now if he starts losing...
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Is this news? I rely on Coffey to make butt shots on a daily basis.
Jesus H. Christ. Everything in the Simpsons plays on stereotypes—Apu, Homer the dumb adult/dad, Flanders, the annoying Evanglical/neighbor, etc.,. etc.
It’s the base of a murder cult. People hide in the wallpaper and try to kill you. There’s an elaborate slave mine with magic religious artifacts under it. Assuming it’s just standard Indian food is like basing your opinion of America on Psycho or Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
I like how the piece opens with his lamentations that people are criticizing a movie they haven’t even seen yet, then later on he feels comfortable insinuating that Close Encounters and E.T. plagiarized a script he’s never even read. That was my favorite part.