
Are you guys sponsored? Lately it seems you’re doing a lot of promotional stuff....

Good paintings.... but they’re basically Caravaggios.

Couldn’t agree more. That DLC was the worst.

Looks cool. And seizure inducing.

....Who doesn’t like secrets?


No, they really don’t.

Ah, the typical, boring, obvious line-up. Thanks, Ubisoft! Your open world games have been really stellar lately! Keep it up!

Why or why can’t it be another Super Meat Boy? I’ll be your slave for a year, McMillen. Just do it.

They do.

Is this a lot? How did the Wii and Wii U do in their first month? And what about Sony, Microsoft? Not sure if I should be impressed or not. No context.

Peacekeeper’s just too fast. That left, right of hers needs more of a telegraph to be blockable. Personally, I quit playing because of the lack of character customization and because the game modes (apart from duels) got boring. Bummer, cuz the one-on-one mechanics are phenomenal. If they could figure out how to make

...You know that is the third time the series did that, right? Entitled to your opinion, obviously, but come on. You can (more or less) simulate the experience of this fight in any PvP match. The balanced challenge — not to mention the Spectacle — of a Manus or Namless King is surely more memorable and ultimately more

So awesome.

Nobody does their best creative work tired and stressed.

I’m not a big anime fan, I’d even say I dislike most of them (usually the ones that take place in contemporary times). Does this mean I won’t enjoy this game?

Oh, dear, dear S.E. Doster. Call of Duty was ruined long before this.

Sex in video games. Always cringeworthy (when it takes itself seriously.)

We can take solace in the fact that a lot of these guys are pathetic and wormy in real life. I feel bad for Leost, et al, though. I doubt the facts help.

Oh, boy! Does the failure of yet another game mean Ubisoft will finally change their ways???