
“Respectful” is a hilarious word to use when you’re cashing in on the suffering of millions. Then again, it IS fun. And I bought it when it first came out. It’s strange how one game can manage to debase and demean the player, the developer, and the war veteran all at once. I think in this case, everyone except the

Amen. That, and the weapons breaking (although I got used to that. The rain, never.)

Do we know how much will it cost?

Spoilers in the headline, too, when you think about it.

I can already tell Resident Evil won’t last long on that list. A good game, but easy pickings.

Do what I did. Call a Gamestop and find a refurbished Wii U. Buy Zelda for Wii U. In 7 days, return both of them and get a full refund. Buy the game for real when the Switch finally comes back in stock (if you want.) Rent Zelda for free.

Pretty weak. How did it get to this? Remember when Nintendo was the gold standard? Third party developers, man. Without them, this is what happens.

Aim for their heads, Cecilia. Damn.

I was that Tracer player!!! Seriously tho, the recon self-healing is overboard. I’m not sure why developers feel the need to “save” characters anyway. Do their feelings get hurt that one of their creations isn’t getting enough love? Was buffing Bastion important enough to unbalance the rest of the game? Screw Bastion.

Ehhhhh. Not for me. Some of the legendary skins make it look cool, but there’s something boring/uninspired about the base design (maybe the face? I’m not sure.) The carbon fiber skin looks friggin cool as hell tho. And you can’t go wrong with centaurs.

Ummmmmm.... what does this have to do with video games?

Won’t the pressure now fall on the managers of each store? And won’t that lead to them making similar hiring/firing decisions as before, based on their team’s individual sales? Still, impressed they made any change at all. Also, bravo, Jason Schreier.

Why not smile in your team photo, boys? Looking tough is not working for ya.

Junkrat clearly wins.

I always adjust the Dong Slider all the way to the right.

For Honor Beta