
Looks like your standard 8/10 game.

Ah... MORE advertising!! Kotaku, you’re getting blatant and pathetic.

Weird. Most critics hate this new compilation. It’s almost as if Kotaku is being paid to advertise......

This article grosses me out. Are you working for Ubisoft? How can you advertise so unambiguously?

What pieces of shit.

Incredible. Maybe my favorite cosplay ever.

Eh. Just play roms, guys. The nostalgia you’re chasing isn’t in the console, it’s in the games themselves.

Worst rap name ever?

Good article. Never thought of it like that.

Now playing

In case you missed this, here’s a youtube video (with over 50k views) that is a direct response to your article. I must say, I agree with it.

I’m a jaded asshole and even I find a cake vs. ice cream competition adorable.

I mean, part of me wants to say “he’s still just a kid,” so some of it’s excusable. But man... what a douchey kid.

He was a handsome kid. I don’t know why people do this to themselves.

This isn’t a people contest. It’s a sports contest. Actual sports fans do not care about their personal lives. It’s an athletic competion. This was clearly written by a person who does not care about sports in general. And that’s fine. Just don’t push your agenda on everyone else. Me? I think the fight is a disgrace —

I’ll be buying it five or six times to make up for all the people who wouldn’t know good platforming if it landed perfectly on their heads.

SMB is widely praised for having possibly the tightest, most fluid controls of any platformer ever. Perhaps the issue was that it’s extremely difficult and you did not put enough time into acclimating to it. Hence the sore thumbs.

UMMMMM this is a great thing, Heather. Super Meat Boy needed a sequel. It’s one of the best games of all time.

If you’re expecting heroics over team chat in an online video game... well, I don’t know, dude. THEN AGAIN, part of me believes the troll gets some of his courage to harass you because he believes the other guys in the game implicitly have his back. So maybe if the others let him know he’s alone in his opinions, he’ll

Wonder how many attempts it took.

Ugh. Thoroughly dislike the new look. Old one had charm. This is hideous.