Da Truth

I will grant you that the Koran does espouse the virtue of dental hygiene. I will grant you that the Koran does espouse the virtue of honest weights and measures in business. However, such honesty is only limited to other Muslims. The Koran says it is perfectly acceptable to lie and cheat and steal from non-Muslims.

You are a garbage person.

Don’t tell this to our half-wit city government. They want to make Styrofoam illegal even though only a tiny, but noisy, minority, who are not affected by the ban, are pushing for it.

This article illustrates everything wrong with California, Los Angeles “sanctuary city”, Democrats, socialists, and “democratic” socialists.

The problem is that, to the alt-left SJWs, *everything* that they disagree with is HATE SPEECH. If you disagree with any of their socialist economic schemes or disagree with their extreme social theories, you are called out as RACIST, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBIC, ISLAMOPHOBIC, ANTISEMITIC, etc. Never mind if facts and truth is

Man, this is a shitpost extraordinaire! And a Socialist hipster shitpost at that. You won’t be happy with anything less than organic, free-range, gluten-free, locally sourced, union shop made, artisinal diapers.

What makes a “good” company and a “bad” company? Unless they are violating a law, then “good” and “bad” is

Naturally, you are completely wrong. Donald J Trump State Park would have been a wonderful state park, except for stupid Deep State bureaucrats. If the stupids had let GEOTUS do what needed to be done to improve the park, it would have been a jewel in the shitstain that is New York. But, no. New York can’t have nice

Unfortunately, MSNBC couldn’t identify the truth if it bit them on the butt.

This article is ACTUAL Fake News. Educate yourself on the truth:

Jim Acosta is the poster boy for why the Fake News media is an enemy of the American people. Jim Acosta is an alt-left fascist shill who is unable to report a story without making it alt-left propaganda. Good for the GEOTUS for standing up for facts and truth and against hate and racism.

So the hate-group ADL says the OK gesture is not a “white supremacist” symbol one day but, when it is allegedly used by someone they don’t like, it suddenly becomes a “white supremacist” gesture? Either the ADL is evil or incompetent or inconsistent.

You are HILARIOUS. You SJWs know your ideas are devoid of logic and reason. You know you are on the wrong side of history. You have to make up meaningless negative stuff to say about your superior opponents.  I’m surprised you didn’t come right out and call her the N-word.

What about motivating our Republican friends? We need to keep the alt-left out of public office. We don’t want anti-liberal SJWs and Marxists with police powers. We don’t want the Antifa blackshirts to be legitimized. America is starting to become great again after eight years of 0bama’s Great Recession and his

Don’t forget Betterment/Wealthfront, Robinhood, M1 Finance, Stash, Acorns, for example. And Vanguard and rolled out their commission-free trading of non-Vanguard ETFs.

Is it as effective as BullyHunters.org?

Members of these criminal accomplice groups need to be convicted of sedition and sent to prison for a few decades.

Just remember, “Snitches get stitches.”

I would think a simple DNA test would answer the question difinitively. Two X chromosomes means you’re a female. An X and a Y chromosome mean you’re a male.

I’m a banana. Help me!

That’s Fake News. Not true. Just lies spread by alt-left garbage humans.