They’re criminals and enemy agents using children as human shields. They should be sent home ASAP, or at least blocked indefinitely at the border.
They’re criminals and enemy agents using children as human shields. They should be sent home ASAP, or at least blocked indefinitely at the border.
This is why everyone hates the alt-left. So intolerant. You know you can’t win based on your ideas so you resort to harassment and bullying and violence to get your way.
Fucking Millennials ruin everything!
Religious people have a moral code to determine the difference between good and bad. Atheists have no moral code. They have no basis to determine the difference between good and bad. Whether an Atheist does good or bad is purely arbitrary.
What about the opportunity cost from doing good? By taking time out of your life to do good for someone, you are giving up the opportunity to do good for yourself or do a greater good for someone else. Being acknowledged for going out of one’s way to do good should be part of the social contract to compensate for the…
Why would I want to pay for a legal copy if the money is going to support an alt-left hate group?
Man, I hate it when Gawker scumbags invade the Lifehacker office. Gawker got shut down for this kind of behaviour. Someone needs to be lock the door to the Lifehacker office to keep the Gawker trash from getting in.
How about doing something more effective like demanding action to institutionalize the mentally ill? That way, we law-abiding stable citizens are not harmed by alt-left oppression.
This is the definition of #FakeNews. The first sign your story is pure fiction is the bit about not being able to afford Obamacare. Everyone knows that Obamacare made health insurance dirt cheap.
I think a funeral is a perfect time for #YOLO. When you are faced with the fact that we are just bags of meat with electrical and chemical reactions in the gray tissue we call a brain, #YOLO is the proper response.
I’ll make a note that when you die, we’ll dump your corpse into an unmarked mass grave. Or just toss your corpse over the city wall onto the trash dump like back in Roman times.
More proof that Millennials ruin everything.
The “Me Too” movement is a mixture of good old fashioned Victorian puritanical witch hunt and Maoist thuggery. They’ve gotten the Harvey Weinstein-esque illegal with the capital I accusations out of the way. Now they are digging deeper in the barrel of alleged offenses to find new things to be offended about. The…
As for silverware positioning, I was taught the opposite. Knife and fork parallel means “I’m not done yet”, whereas knife and fork crossed means “I’m done.”
Oh, you alt-lefties got your own sick burn when the medical community agrees that President Trump is a mentally stable genius, and you can’t handle it. (Note: I used your “climate change” argument against you.) You gotta grasp at straws by saying, “it wasn’t the *right* test”.
This whole 25th Amendment argument you…
Firefox can go “love” itself. Before Firefox 57, I had some nice useful functional extensions. Firefox 57 broke them all. Those that did survive the Quantum-pocalypse don’t work as well as they used to. For example, LastPass used to work fine on FF and Chrome. Now, LastPass on FF has half the functionality that the…
I agree. Everybody knows that rich people don’t create jobs. Everybody knows that rich people don’t invest in businesses that employ people. The only jobs that are created are those created by the government who “rules by the pen and the phone”.
As for the Death Tax, Karl Marx says we need that to increase the power…