
Well the last one shot to fame by sucking Donald Trump's, which is worse IMO.

I'd never seen that photo of KStew until now. She looks so deadpan about it that I can't help but like her a little for it.

I was a young teenager, and I very clearly remember my mother explaining to me that Hill had "obviously" been paid by Democrats to bring down a black man who had the temerity to be conservative. I also quite clearly remember her sneering at the idea that a teenager in a family we went to church with could have been

Yeah so helpful hint guys: Stop talking about the "shitty" quality of his work, stop with the "not a real artist" shit.

Its funny how you note her continued racism as a faux pas as if being constantly horrible to non-white people on a major media platform is an error akin to getting drunk at a work party in front of your boss. Its easy to dismiss her behaviour when it doesn't affect you. No doubt had she been making fun of white people

So her statements about black men and Africa are pretty truthful? White feminists really do stick together. I'm sure you would be out with the pitchforks if a black woman ever said anything negative about white American men and America as a whole. But Handler's racism appeals to you. Funny that.

You're white aren't you? Its easier to ignore her constant stream of racism when you aren't the victim of it. No doubt if she was a non-white woman mocking white woman on the regular (not that they would give someone like that a platform ever to mock white women) you would not be so charitable towards her. For people

I used to work for a company that provided lighting for Chelsea Lately, and I talked frequently with the stage manager. He basically confirmed she is absolutely fucking terrible to work for.

This interview was definitely a "We've got them both right where we want them, now release the bears!" moment.

You nailed both of them.

He's a pompous, disrespectful blowhard who countenances spying and bullies guests. She a racist shit-stirrer who thinks she's advancing feminism by trolling and throwing other women she doesn't like under the bus, and then asking for dudebro points for being so "edgy" and "an equal opportunity offender". So I come

Stop trying to make normcore happen.