
And CMIYC is a fucking superb film. I don't love all of his movies but Speilberg is in a weird spot of being incredibly successful but also, somehow, kind of underrated in the current era. Film makers should make the best films they can make. Whoever stars in them is completely irrelevant.

So what? he tells stories that don't center around women. It's okay. Should everything automatically *have* to promote females or minorities in this day and age? Can't an exceptional talent make the films he wants to anymore?

A fantastic post, right here.

Yep, great movie in its own right.

However you interpret it, it is infinitely more important or valid than anything Banks has ever done and I generally consider myself a fan of hers. She completely overstepped her bounds with this shit.

Exactly this.

So that Scorsese movie was "only" good because a woman was involved in it. You're right. *Martin Scorsese* has never made a single good movie since then. Great point.

Best episode of the season for me. The Titus/Jaqueline stuff had some gold and the slapping around of the whole "woke"/microaggressions/allies/whatever-other-absolute-bullshit people feel entitled to be upset and indignant about nowadays was almost as mean spirited and condescending as it deserves. Not quite there

This show is fucking terrible. Nobody is likeable. Nothing they do makes sense. Let's see… This woman and her son who you don't know outside of her spooning your sons eyeball repeatedly question you and point a gun at the aforementioned son. Instead of just blowing him (and her) away without a second of

I really wanted a scene of him explaining to the tiger, "Okay, these guys here, here and here; eat them. This guy, this guy and this lady over here: don't eat. Got it?" and the tiger being all like "UN!!"

Thank fuck for the corny ending I guess. I was very seriously considering if I would be returning for next season during the vast majority of this snorefest. Why did Rick just stand there like a complete buffoon while his people gunned down the junk people? Is there any logical explanation beyond "the leader of the

God dammit, after a couple of decent episodes we're right back to two miserable people talking about life for 50 minutes with the occasional zombie wobbling past in the background. What a waste of time.

Love the Kai stuff. Can't believe Ric just stopped ringing the bell to answer his phone before he knew it was his convenient plot kids. What a twat he is really.

New group is at least interesting but I just can't get past the way they all talk the same way and have this entire society thing firmly established… The writers really should have clearly jumped forward several years at some point in the past because in timeline we're still technically at around two years or less

I'm pretty shocked by the overwhelming positivity towards this show. It's alright but Barrymore is fucking terrible in this. Some of the worst acting I've seen in years. 4 episodes in and her character is just horribly unlikable too.

Just a little, mostly for specific interests and, while not the brightest spot on the internet, I haven't come across the kind of unavoidable hyperbole and culture of outrage that Twitter pretty much exists for. Also never seen sites like the AV Club using moronic posts from fools on Reddit in their news stories the

Twitter really has been the worst thing. Nothing like giving an over-inflated voice of importance to millions of hysterical babies who want nothing more than to kick off the latest "I'm offended!!!!" outrage about anything they can.

Completely agree but according to http://walkingdead.wikia.co… we're up to 20 months in. I was off by two months but your point still stands.

Also preferred this ep to last weeks (while still generally hating Carol and Morgan's naive pacifism) and despite thinking they were going for some sort of ludicrous GOT style character, was happy to breath a sigh of relief when Ezekiel turned out to have a reasonable explanation behind him. Although, since learning

Travis beating those two douchebags to death was by far the best thing this show has ever done. Kill-crazy savage Travis would actually make me watch season 3.