
Felt like a total Poltergeist homage/knockoff to me. Was waiting for him to throw out an "ooh child…"

Someone needs to tell the writers nobody gives a fuck about their shitty characters so an hour of these dull twats talking about their feelings is the worst possible direction to go in. There was one fucking zombie in this show and he was waddling along the beach during yet another "who gives a shit?" prattling

It's plenty - certainly more than enough.

The huge amounts of extremely suspect material with a strong resemblance to other comics work would suggest otherwise.

Patrice had the greatest laugh ever.

Was just saying the same thing the other day. The world desperately needs Patrice. Patrice and Louie discussing the history of racist terms is still one of the funniest things I've ever heard.

I dunno, she might be a lovely person and great to work with but she's often terrible. Her performance in the (equally godawful) Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit was akin to pantomime.

So it hasn't then? Herp derp indeed.

Sure is coincidental how the quality of her show has gone down the shitter right after she was exposed as a hack.

Did you forget what we're even talking about? You just argued with yourself.

What difference does it make? If the vast majority of characters we've seen so far have no visible sexual preference nor any relationships we have been made aware of then why can't some of them be gay?

And as I already said, if it feels organic and furthers the narrative then I'm totally on board. It's just the idea of shoehorning in some gay characters "just because" that I have issues with. I don't think I can spell it out any clearer than that.

Little argument from me on that except that perhaps that was Han's motivation to continue doing the right thing for once. The point is, there are very few established romantic relationships throughout the series so what is there to be gained by insisting there are more of them to meet some sort of quota?

Not sure it's all that easy to convey same sex parents just by using a photo with no other exposition and the other stuff… I mean, it's fine and whatever but through this whole franchise of 7 movies, we've seen three couples of note. It's not like people are on the Death Star holding hands and pouring tea for each

Sure but what context does a homosexual relationship further the narrative of films which are ultimately about a space war? If they can do it in a natural way which feels perfectly in tune with the overarching story then, absolutely, there are no issues there. I assume villains who are homosexual would also be A-OK?

I simply erased eps 1-3 from my mind. If they want to go back in and add some CG homosexuality to any of the three prequels I have no issue with it.

Isn't Star Wars generally free of romance? How many characters are even in relationships? Should the main focus of episode 9 be on the difficult homosexual relationship of two major characters? Would that make for a better movie? Does it honestly matter that much in the context of this story where almost every

I watched a lot of the Australian version after the first US season but it was just so weirdly creepily dark and miserable that I didn't find it that much fun.

While I still enjoy Wilfred, I can't help but feel like I wish they'd ignored answering the question, forgot about any great mythology and just been a stupid "guy and dog he can talk to do stupid funny shit" show until it ran its course.