
Yes romance is a strong word but she seemed enamored or smitten with him in a way that did not make sense before the drift. The idea that two people who never met, have nothing in common matching up is forced.

It looks like they are not doing Barbara as Oracle but the red haired woman is Barbara Gordon as Batgirl.

This was an incredibly fun movie. A fan movie to everyone who has watched any giant fighting robot series or monster mash-up ever. Voltron, Evangelion, Gozilla and more are part of what makes this glow with fun. To some extent that hurts the movie as there are trite things like the romance, one dimensional characters

I found the romance silly and out of place. a man she has only known through battle reports is someone she can sync up with and she seems to have a crush on him for an odd reason that comes out of nowhere before they do the drift. That was a tacked on part of the movie I really did not care for.

This is proof that someone is after me. I had to cancel my trip and all these fantastic things come up. I say I would not camp out Hall H but I would have this time!

Watching it, I was wondering if JJ Abrams helped direct it will all the lens flares.

I like the Daria clone but the best thing was the Faraday Cage joke.

I wish they would make the movie animated. Skip live action and make it all animated. Someone needs to teach the public again that cartoons are not just for kids.

I am not missing the point I just disagree with your conclusion.

His mind clearly comes from a military background and I do not think that way. He reacted badly in his actions. He was told to just do recon and in his pride he thought he could get more out of it. He mentions the showering of medals as the reason to keep pushing. With his instruments not operating well he goes with

He was not horrible. He was more of a military man than a diplomat. He knew there was a hidden Cardassian fleet in a nebula and planned a mission to neutralize that threat. He made up with Riker to get the job done then when the Cardassians wanted to flex themselves he triggered his mines to show them he was business.

She was pretty lousy. I hated Nemesis for making her an admiral. She broke the Prime Directive more times than anyone and she gets to be an admiral, Kirk steals a ship and gets demoted.

Jankowski was told it was just recon but he stuck around longer than he needed to be so he can get some medals. He staff told him that they should leave but he stuck around.

Humans were to blame and the zealotry of the Minbari did not help everything after.

I think you will need to cite some proof because some people like his son say otherwise:

According to other sources Coventry was not known and the only source for it is one book by one man who was there but those he worked with at the time dismiss his recollection of the events.

Well Zeus gave us all the nasty parts of our world, Pandora's Box myth.

I think you might be thinking of this one:

He has been a problem with power creep but early stories do not have that issue and when well defined, like Batman he can really shine as a character. The stories, What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way?, For the Man Who Has Everything, Ending Battle, Kingdom Come and JLU Episode Hereafter.