
Sorry but Batman is campy many times too. A man who has a plan for everything? That is a lot to swallow there. Too many comics make him a joke about being a genius. He has been abused just as badly as Superman has but more people ignore the silliness that Batman has.

None of Nikon and Canon mugs linked are official ones from Nikon or Canon. The official Canon one was limited and never for sale:

WWI spanned the globe as much as WWII did.


Other shows are better but the silly, crazy and stereotyped Gundams in G-Gundam are fantastic. Lumberjack Gundam, Gundam with a Sombrero, and the best one because it is the American Gundam, which has its breastplate pop off to reveal a human styled chest, the shoulder pads pop off to make boxing gloves for the hands

I think Thor is the only one who is really weak on that list the other two are compelling. Ben Grimm is Better than tony but I like Capt's better. The way they did Steve in the movie was really good, he has that 'boy scout' quality I expect from him.

Everyone else has talked about the nuclear part so I will note something that nags at me. How was WWI not a world war?

When money is really no object go for this brand under the same company.

You are not very familiar with future computers technology so let me fill you in. To get those fancy touch screens and the computing power they require to run a star ship all panels are computers with chips in them to feed the power they need plasma conduits are behind each screen. It is a fact of physics they cannot

I would say anything having to do with denying evolution is much much worse.

Citation needed.

We have accurate records of the atmosphere from many different time periods thanks to ice core samples. So we can see what we have done to change the atmosphere of Earth, It is not pretentious when you see over 150 years how things have changed. The fact is 150 years ago there were no power plants like now, cars,

I would say that the Nook HD+ at the 9 inch level and at 10 inches the Nexus. Nook has expandable storage and comics are very large. Nexus has a great screen and full Android so it has more compatibility. Or if you stick with 7 inches the Kobo Arc at $250 for the 32GB and $300 for 64GB. Not as big screen wise but

I want Bug Guy and Rusty the boy robot. It has one of my favorite lines.

Jobs was not thinking that people would sell such a thing at a loss while Apple does not sell a product at a loss.

Twenty four Nooks among my friends and two kindle users one who finds hers annoying and another who does not use his at all.

In Avengers Academy he says he is bi polar and on medicine now.

As someone who did social science I would like some of those to show up like Jung, Freud (both of them), Boas, and Chomsky.

That does not help if you want more ram.