
I believe people who say “Batman is a ‘regular’ guy who can take down the JLA” secretly believe that translates to “Therefore I could take down the entire JLA”

I hate the anti-Superman subculture in comics.

It started with The Dark Knight Returns, but over the years there’s become a clear and highly profitable sub-genre of DC Comics for people who simply love to hate Superman. Usually when people don’t like a character they simply don’t read him, but with Superman it seems his very existence irks them and they want to

No, this was the greatest evil Superman story of all time (even if it gets drawn out by the end):

haha amazon has really shit the bed lately. The service i’ve gotten over the last 3 months makes me think im done with them. i got rid of prime when they started pushing prime pantry and took away free shipping on any item they decided was a pantry item which was around when the price went up. I just find it hilarious

Not only that... I was looking for one particular type of cotton swabs...

Wow, this is crossing the line.

I dropped Prime a couple of years ago. They screwed up several of my orders so I missed out on things and ended up paying more than I should have. They are a online store, they should know how much stock they are going to receive. I shouldn’t get a “Oh we ran out of stock” for a preorder item. They suck. They know it

I’m pretty much done buying physical objects from Amazon. I still get my ebooks and mp3 music from them, but that’s it now. At first it was because of the fact that most of my stuff was damaged because of terrible shipping, but now they’re actively driving me away.

Careful there Amazon.
I like prime, when it works. I’ve signed up a few times and left you one-less time when you screwed up massively and you gave me a refund on my subscription.
I’ve send you complaints over the piss-poor quality of your videos on non-fire android devices - and your response was to “buy a fire”

You know what? If people still enjoy their CDs and BluRays/DVDs, then more power to them. I find it sometimes burdensome to balance out what I should be subscribing to and the different selections at different streaming sites. I also sometimes burn out from having too many choices but sometimes because i have so many

Great example. Hulk v She-Hulk.

So she can have absurd muscles in the comics but not in the movies because it doesn’t matter? The only reason she isn’t cut like Ronda Rousey is because that isn't considered mainstream feminine. It won't put asses on theater seats. Having a baby smooth model male fantasy girl will.

I don't think that we're suppose to forget that. I think its meant as a critique of the selfishness of both humans and addicts.

Fanboys are ridiculous. It's a David Goyer/Zack Snyder movie and - as mentioned by the writer above - there's no script and it's due in less than 2 years. They're upset over the wrong thing.

Actually, I think that Ben Affleck will make a great Bruce Wayne. Batman is easy, Bruce Wayne is the harder role, but Affleck can do sincerely likeable but aloof.

Sorry, have to disagree with a few of the thoughts here in this thread. I think you're all focusing on market share as a measure of the long term viability of Apple in the smartphone segment.

Better than star panties! :D

And the superman costume looks good on her. The skirt or just the panties just doesn't make sense.

But maybe I am trying to make too much sense in comics? It's just something that never added up. Why fans defend these with tooth and nails? Catwoman has a good outfit and Poison Ivy too (fits

Just give me Luke cage and Iron Fist.... Or Heroes for Hire...