Yes, World of Goo, the 2008 game that exists not only on the Wii, but also on BLACKBERRY OS, is what’s gonna make the difference here...
I’ve been sneaking and shooting my way through Resident Evil 7 for the last day and loving it. It’s a big breath of…
Everybody has questions. What’s our purpose? Will we ever achieve true peace? Why is it fucking impossible to plug…
Truer words never spoken. <3
The rest of this is Adventures in Irresponsibility.
Or better yet, don’t move your shit and teach your kids to leave it alone. Source: I’m a father of 2.
Pictured: the imagination of people who haven’t figured out interior doors with locks
Little children and dogs share one thing in common: If they misbehave, it’s not their fault. It’s the parents’.
Back in MY day I took care of my shit. My Game Gear and Sega Genesis? The fragile disc games I got on Playstation? Still work. Game Boy Advance SP? Sure does.
Counterpoint: remove objects which kids can put things into things, out of their reach, especially if said object is important to one’s career?
..Because Kotaku is a reputable gaming website viewed by millions. Because these are pretty basic common questions. The fact that the system is coming out very soon and we don’t have an answer to a lot of burning consumer questions doesn’t bode well in audience’s minds. Unless they’re planning a massive event…
I’m becoming more and more convinced that this is just a soft launch in March. For the hardcore. The real launch with full functionality and game lineup is holiday 2017. At that time, they will have a better launch lineup, the bugs will have been worked out of the OS by the faithful early adopters who are more able…
.....I may wait on this console, it doesn’t sound ready for prime time.
For the average Canadian, the price will not be much more affordable than any other console.
Enough of their decisions make sense to me, at least in the way Nintendo like to do things...but for the life of me the voice chat thing makes no sense.
This paints and incredibly dire picture for the online features for the Switch if they’re two months out from release and still trying to figure basic online functionality out.
The absence of a game is kind of a bummer. 1,2, Switch looks like a perfect game to showcase some of the abilities of the console, especially the Joy Con, but not as an additional purchase. Wii Sports was a title that showed the motion controls off perfectly and the games were fun enough that people were playing them…
Save games being stuck in under 32GB NAND is going to bite a lot of users in the ass. Going by the save game usage on my PS4, it’ll fill up extremely quickly.