
Hehe...Nemesis from RE3 would be my wife's top pick too. She still talks about that game after all these years.

Hear, hear! Condemned is one of my favourite games of all-time and it is because of the tensions and the atmosphere. Bloody brilliant game! (on sale right now on Steam too)

Of course you should Google Noah Huges...see what you find, it didn't seem like you did. Lots of interviews about the development of Tomb Raider, their goals, how hard they worked...but nothing about their supposed slave masters.

See, again you twist the conversation to meet your needs. Spiderman 2 had critical acclaim much like Batman AC. It was a HUGE seller. Of course Batman AC sold more, most games sell more now just because of the proliferation of consoles. This wasn't an argument of sales, but of game design and how Batman AC wasn't

No, you can't assign gameplay/game design elements as facts and you can't interchange that with technical aspects. You can compare and contrast them, but there is always going to be a level of interpretation to these elements. The technical aspects are the only parts of a game that you get hard numbers for such as

I don't know how you can blankly say that someone is "factually" wrong when you are talking about your own point of view.

Oh sorry, I think I was misreading your tone. I was mired in a bunch of negative conversations when I read your reply. :)

Woah now. There are certainly no reasons to stifle anyones contributions. I think his comment was not only relevant to the thread but certainly he has every right to speak his mind here. I dunno who appointed you Grand Wizard of Censorship.

So then just wait. The game isn't going anywhere and it isn't like most people don't have serious game backlogs or that there aren't other cheaper and equally good games for sale that you haven't played yet.

I dunno what game you played, but I loved Tomb Raider. Price dropping did not reflect the quality as many, many games of excellent quality drop at the same rates on Steam. Plus, at about 20 hours for 100% completion for most,…, I don't think you can say the game was the

I dunno about that. I think 6 months for the games to very often hit about $20 on Steam. Certainly there are no hard and fast rules about this, but it didn't take long for Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, etc to hit the $19-$25 mark.

I agree. Like you, I played the first two games but actually pushed my way through to finishing them. They were so dull and repetitive that I swore off the series after completing the second game.

Not worth buying, but worth playing? Something sounds fishy there. How about you just wait for the PC version to get cheaper like they always do and actually pay for it?

Alienware certainly aren't that expensive when you look at the components and compare it to other laptops. Sure, you are paying a premium for the Alienware brand, but part of that is also support and warranty. Plus, they are only one of many companies offering great quality gaming laptops.

Sure, money is a great reason. Having to have just one system to game on makes the choice somewhat more direct. Not wanting a gaming PC is a different statement though. I want to have all the gaming machines I can, don't you? Certainly life and finances have a lot to say about how much of a reality that is going

Certainly to each their own. However, I'm typing this from a PC, sitting on my couch and using an HDTV for a monitor. The same TV I use my 360 and PS3 from.

I never said that you said that they couldn't run games...maybe read my post again. :)

Sorry, if you make comments around here you kind of have to expect responses, no? No need to be douchey with your replies. The whole point of comment sections is to foster discussion.

I think you need to look at modern gaming laptops. My buddy has a 3 year old Alienware laptop that still kicks the crap out of pretty much everything he throws a it.

Don't want a gaming PC? Why wouldn't you want a gaming PC? They can hook up to a TV just like a console and play better looking versions of games like Titanfall.