
Wow. No, the entire experience was completely bug free and crash free for me from what I can remember. It was a really slick experience in that respect. Like I said, I even played it in 3D on PC with no issues as well.

Man, I haven't seen that for a while. I really prefer the look of my side-by-side Sega CD. I remember the huge tower your version made with the 32x though. What a Frankenstein's monster that machine turned out to be...still kicking though with no problems. Something I can't say about this generation's hardware.

Disc...what's a de-usk? (says the Origin/Steam user)

We did that already in the 90's with FMV. It is too limiting to gameplay and too jarring for transitions to do that anymore, plus it can be costly.

Hehe...I'd take Mirror's Edge over the majority games really. :D

Yeah, I haven't played any COD past MW2, but I don't think I had much more to take away from COD than BF3 really.

I'm not arguing anything. I simply like the BF3 single player...regardless of what it did or did not implement. Your Halo comparison is a good one does make you think why they don't include all the vehicle combat that they have in the multiplayer.

Meh, I guess I'm just easy to please. I had a lot of fun with it. I certainly think it plays well enough. I mean control-wise I certainly didn't have any problems with it.

Now I feel bad I've never played BF3 multiplayer. I rather enjoyed the single player though. Even played it in 3D on the PC. What was wrong with the single player in BF3? Sure, it wasn't anything revolutionary, but it looks amazing and plays great.

Yeah, we can't use bannock. I've never eaten that either.

Nomination: Logitech G13 Advanced Gameboard

I certainly don't want them to fail...I bought one. I've loved loads of Nintendo games over the years. I'm just not sure they have a good plan at this point and the third party software is obviously suffering. I also seriously question their hardware strategy, but that is less of an issue for Nintendo directly

Great debate style points for you. You don't agree with statements so you disregard them? What ever man, you make a reply and you make aspersions to my argument style and writing style and then you cut and run. Why bother replying if that's your attitude, to dismissed legitimate arguments as "rants" seems like the

Sure, the Wii U looks as good as current consoles and there is maybe some wiggle room for more performance. There are some who think you can get about the same performance overall with more ram and more cache, but the trade off is less shaders, no hard-drive, etc.

Books! Bah...let her play 280 hours of Skyrim and see how fondly she thinks of books after that!

Yeah, you write what you want to write, and I'll do the same. No need to pick on writing styles...that isn't furthering the discussion.

Nope, that's not how it works. You don't port titles to take loses on one system to make up the difference on the other systems. Developing for a system that causes a loss is a bad idea and companies tend not to do that. I'm sure this is exactly why S/E is charging more for the Wii U port upfront, so they can avoid

So, instead of supporting the console with a port of a game that will cost them more to produce and these costs will be put on the cost of the release, you are suggesting that they shouldn't bother making it for the console at all? That seems like damned-if-they-do-damned-if-they-don't logic.

I bought a Wii U at launch and I am still not dense enough to believe that Nintendo is offering the consumer a compelling reason to buy a Wii U. Digs at Nintendo are fairly deserved, they need to get their act together.

Yeah, I don't think the current consoles will see much development after this year. They want people to move over. A few sequels will hit, but the devs will want to move over as quickly as the console manufactures want to axe the older systems. First party support is going to fade to nothing after this year. Time