
People with only a Wii U who want it will buy it, people who want the Wii U touch screen controls will buy it. Why should they lose money on a project? The alternative would likely be not to release it on the Wii U at all. There is no slap in the face going on here...they need to make their money off of projects,

Actually, I think third party development woes for the Wii U are going to get a heck of a lot worse soon. As devs move forward on the PS4 and XB1, which have very similar hardware, the Wii U is going to be expensive and possibly impossible to port stuff to.

I'll rebuy it on PC when that version hits the sub-$10 price. I'm certainly interested in seeing the Wii U version, but I have the hardware on PC to make a much better experience.

It is a port of a two-year old game to completely different hardware than the previous ports of the games. There are real and significant costs attached to this. The game isn't going to sell well on the Wii U to begin with, everyone knows this, so they have to maximized the returns on what little sales they will

Oh I'm sure they are well aware of what Wii U users have as alternatives. Plus, they are completely aware of the costs of the other versions and the crazy $5 sales for Deus EX:HR on Steam that happen regularly.

I quit the series after the second game, so I know what you are talking about. I thought the first two games were some of the most dull moments in gaming for this generation. Sad that such a beautiful game could be so un-fun.

Exactly the problem with the WiiU really. Bringing "new" hardware to the table that isn't improved over the current consoles makes problems like porting games to the WiiU a serious concern.

Hey Canadians, Deadwood on BD is on sale at as well. $61.49 (slightly higher to cover the cost of the bilingual sleeve most likely), a great deal to be sure.

Simple return on investment really. You have all the costs of porting to the WiiU plus the likelihood of terrible you've got to make back what you can. Yes, you might have slightly better sales even on the WiiU with cheaper games, but considering the install base numbers and the numbers of people who are

I like Call of Duty and Eminem, so all is good with me. Seems like smart marketing to me.

Yeah, I did enjoy Nicholson's performance (as I usually do), but for me the movie was hollow compared to the book. You are right that they basically omitted the one seemed to have any motivations for what they were doing and what was making them do it. I never saw the mini-series, so I dunno how much of

There are loads of King's movies with better adaptations than Carrie (and I didn't care so much for the movie adaptation of The Shining). To each their own though. I loved Carrie (the original) as a movie though...Spacek really hit the nail on the head with the character from the book and I love that see reads the

Agreed! Noonan stole the whole movie for me...he is just brilliant. Hell, I LOVE Robocop 2 mainly because of him

Let's not mention the Star Trek game....

Dark Nebula is awesome on iOS and for free it is even better!

Cool...thanks for the recommendations. My friend's family are from Cuernavaca and every time I see pictures from their visits, it looks so beautiful there. I'd imagine we'd hit Cancun too...nothing like a great beach. :)

Hehe...yeah we have our dark moments too. We had the student riots, the G20 travesty, and a big post-hockey game riot not so long ago. Plus lots of protests on local levels too. It is generally well mannered stuff until you get to the riots, which thankfully don't happen that often.

Why? Everything but the original was built by Crystal Dynamics and they just made the amazing Tomb Raider reboot. The engine would be spectacular with a Kain game, plus SquareEnix has access to lots of talent. I don't see why they can't make a new Kain game themselves.

Ha! You and me both! NO idea it was on.

Oh sorry, I got a TON of replies to my post and loads were negative in tone, maybe I was just mis-reading your post and missing the humor. :) Or I read it a 5am. Nothing is funny at 5am. :)