
But I think we need to stop being so passive that we just turn a blind-eye to the presence this religious dogma in our midst. The Christian has every right to stand there with his sign, but I applaud the kids standing up for there rights to disagree with his presence and to mock this presence.

But it is those "ridiculous" controls that offer something new, something different and moves us forward towards something more exciting.

No it does not. Aside from my entire form of exercise which is Dance Central and works AMAZINGLY...the voice controls alone are worth the price of admission.

This isn't a neutral Christian, he is obviously being provocative but in that picture he is at least seemingly passive, as are the gentleman on the left. As an atheist, I think they have absolutely every right to be there just as the Christian and to passively protest the rights of the religious to insert themselves

Wow really!? I have no interest in Grid 2, but any racing game I play has to have a cockpit view for me to play...that seems like a huge oversight.

The little I played of it reminds me more of Heroes of Might and Magic mixed with Civ. It is pretty cool, but needed work when I played it (which was a while ago). It might be fine now. I had a lot more fun with Warlock - Master of the Arcane which is far more Civ-like.

I played it for the first time not too long ago. I had an absolute blast with it. I loved the gameplay and it looks really stunning with the DX11 patch. It suffers from the same v-sync 24 fps bug that the original suffered from, if that was an issue for you, but it is fixable like the original.


If you haven't played don't know the meaning of the word "Game Over".

And the 360 version is $43 on They all come down in price, the only difference is that the PC versions fall faster and this is because most of the market is digital. Microsoft can't undercut retailers without majorly pissing them off. This WAS the plan for the Xbox One, but we'll never know now if understand the concept of "sale" right? Bioshock Infinite is usually $60 on Steam too. The price didn't drop on is a "sale" and a 24 hour one at that.

Yeah, I wasn't actually speaking to that argument. But there is a huge opportunity scale difference there too. There is WAY more people in North American trying to get in acting...we have WAY more schools for it and numbers enrolled, so the scale is vastly different. I am not sure there is actually more opportunity

No, but they do occupy most of the news and other media outlets. American has a MUCH bigger scale for movies than Japan and that talent scales accordingly as well. The summer blockbusters in Japan are similar to here actually, mostly U.S. made films. I understand what you mean, but I think the "talentless" people

I don't think so...but there is a matter of scale here too. North America has a WAY bigger pot to pick for talent in movies, movies are one of the top exports for the U.S. The Kardashians though hit all the news stops, hit all the magazine covers...they are in the media a hugely disproportionate amount compared to

Yeah, I've pretty much fully embraced a digital life. I still buy BluRay discs since I think the quality is still better than what I can get digitally, but I LOVE not having to store stuff anymore. Oh, I do still buy music CDs for much the same reason as BD. Music services in Canada suck and I can't get what I want

Didn't you just sum up the Kardashians? I don't think this problem is unique to Japan or Asia.

Almost every system allows you to download all the games you purchased digitally again for a new console. Only Nintendo makes it a pain really...and with their tech support you can accomplish the same results for the WiiU at least (I don't know about the 3DS).

Plus, I'd suspect most people would go to if they needed information. I've never, EVER gone looking for,, those even exist. I'm sure Nintendo just doesn't want anyone else having that, WiiU is one of the worst names for a console yeah, I don't feel

55" Sony 929 LED TV. Works amazingly as a monitor and for everything else.

Yeah, I love the digital purchases. Not having to store another case is a big plus, and you don't have to worry about disc and everything is nice and convenient.