
But if you buy it digitally then like everything on your PS3 account, they have a record of you buying it. If they are pricing and streaming PS3 titles individually for the PS4, then I would hope they'd have enough sense to just carry that owner's licence over to the the PS4 stream. There wouldn't have to be any

Yeah, it is a big unknown. I wish they'd have more info on it.

If you said anything but Die Hard (1) you haven't watched them.

I'm fortune to have a very fast connection with loads of data per month, so that really isn't a factor for me. In fact, storing physical stuff is now more a pain than any download could ever be.

ZombieU has been $29 at my local Costco (in Canada) for about a month, though I haven't been to Costco this week to see if it still is. (it was $29 last week though).

But that would make their whole Gaikai strategy kinda lame, plus they did say that the streaming service would be essentially their backwards compatibility. I just hadn't seen any news about if they'd let you transfer the license over. I wish they'd clarify the whole thing. If you are going to be able to link the

I know they won't play directly, but the license could transfer to the Gaikai streaming service. Sorry, I should have been more clear. I don't think they'll let you transfer the games you physically bought, but I'm thinking there is a good chance the digital version will transfer over to the Gaikai service. But

So, does anyone think I should get The Last of Us (and maybe future PS3 titles) digitally? Before you balk at the idea, my case-hugging collector friend, hear me out. I bought ALL my PSP games digitally and should be able to move them all over to a Vita once I get one. The same logic could apply to the PS3 games

I'll have to disagree with you on the call centers. Most call center equipment is mono earpiece. They are much cheaper for starts and isolating the worker from the environment around them doesn't fly with most insurance companies for obvious safety reasons. My wife has worked with call centers for U.S. and Canadian

Ok, I guess from reading the other comments and replies this is more your preference than most people's. You say you work in the communications industry, but mono voice earpieces are very standard across many different communications fields. People with earpieces in the news, working in call centers, musicians, etc

Right, but with a mono earpiece that isn't an earbud you can have the best of both no? Full surround sounds plus dedicated and variable chat volume for your friends.

I spent a fair bit of money on a 7.1 surround sound setup, why would I want to block that all off just to chat?

Now playing

Yes, that was a masterpiece of a soundtrack.

Wow! How did I miss that one! Absolutely this one!!

Now playing

I'll stop there...I could likely do this all day.

That's all true, but usually companies don't like their IPs being screwed with this way. It sets precedence for this type of stuff for other interested parties and can dilute and often sully the name of a franchise. I'm pretty sure they sent a cease-and-desist to the makers of that Streets of Rage game that was very

So get 'em while you can. Though, the first game looks to have been around since 2011. Maybe Sega is just being cool about it.

I (and many commenters) think this is a bad move. They can't implement all things they wanted to do without the online checks and they are offering nothing to the publishers as incentive to develop for the Xbox1 over the PS4 so they'll end up with slightly less powerful hardware without much of an advantage.

Ouch! Nice burn...sorry about your mom.

We don't game with him it is really hard to say. But being filmed on TV in front of a live audience while conducting an interview AND trying to make funny comments is a LOT of work. How good would your game playing be under those circumstances? And really, I game a LOT and if I was thrust in front