Who needs to switch, you got to have 'em all if you want the exclusives.
Who needs to switch, you got to have 'em all if you want the exclusives.
Nice. When in doubt use the "fuck you, you're wrong" defense eh? It is a shame you can even begin to see the other side's take on this and how Microsoft are embracing online with entirety of their plans. It is also a shame you seek to judge those with whom you are debating without knowing one thing a out…
2) Since most people in the your country have the internet, it is hardly a luxury that excludes most people. You are just clinging to this line to justify your position. I've already backedup my side on this and further discussion is just repetition.
It does have a Microsoft Studios logo on the website. Perhaps they are the exclusive publishers for it? Time will tell of course. Maybe one it has exhausted its money making potential on Xbone it will come to PC like Alan Wake and the likes.
Syndicate is on sale on Origin!! Yes, the first person shooter...screw you :P, I've been wanting to play it for a long time. $6!!! That just made my day.
#1) They have been dealing with this FOR 20 years. Getting legislation passed has been so slow and uphill. Most governments barely understand digital rights and demonize gaming too much to care. Nintendo has certainly been the most vocal about their view on used games and piracy. You are still seeing lots of…
I love my Kinect. Dance Central aside(which is my sole form of exercise and a damn good one), I love the voice commands, voice search, we use Kinect chat with my folks. What's not to like, voice activated electronics are pretty cool if you ask me.
Come on HBO, where the hell is the rest of the Sopranos on BD?! Best friggin' TV I ever watched, and it still hasn't all been ported over to BD...what gives!?
#1) Used games ARE a problem for the industry. Of course they want all the money from their games, what company would not. It is in no way the same as the auto industry. I suggest you do some reading on the subject as it has been a HUGE issue for publishers since the NES era. Nintendo has led many charges against…
But I think it is a learning experience. Why else post here on Kotaku if not to discuss and try to see other people's sides. I just think you haven't offered any compelling argument to make me change my mind. I certainly think I am open minded, but I still see nothing to get upset about Microsoft policies.
Well, that's a great attitude to have. Go stick your head in the sand to end the discussion.
I've had some just die. I have no idea the reason. I've had some Atari 2600 and one 5200 cart die. I actually have a whole bunch of Intellivion carts just up and die (well, whole bunch being 4-5), and single carts die on the NES, SNES, and Colecovision. Possibly more, because I simply don't play all the carts and…
And that's really what is boils down to, trust. I DO trust Microsoft. They've delivered me the best console experience of the last generation and Kinect had a good hand in that. I think they are smart enough to get what they want from the market without alienating it. They want to keep customers, not lose them.
Numbers of people who don't have home internet connections don't matter here. Over 80% of PS3 owners have connected their consoles to the internet. This too doesn't mean the 20% of people can't. This 20% includes people who can't be bothered to connect their console, don't know how, or other reasons like parents…
You likely use services all the time that don't go down for more than minutes.
Sorry for the late reply, I was away for a couple days.
I too would pay $20 for Ironside voice DLC. It is a crying shame he isn't voicing the game, it totally sucked the wind out of my sails.
Yeah, but honestly, the whole piracy ecosystem is damaging.
And I think this is the biggest problem people are having, letting go of the physical. Sure, I love having loads of stuff to show off and I have TONS of stuff. So much so that lots of it is now boxed away in the basement showing to no one. You know what I like even better, my big list of Steam games that I don't…
But your God Hand example shows that games can be "lost" even without Microsoft's current system. Sure, you can still get copies of it, but if everyone wanted one suddenly, there would certainly not be enough to go around. As for Chu-Chu Rocket, I have it on Dreamcast and haven't played it for over a decade. If we…