
But your argument is pure speculation. I could also speculate that they could indeed keep the authentication servers up forever, or possibly remove the need for authentication and "unlock" the console. Or, they very well could make it all backwards compatible with the next console. Point is, we don't know.

Then have fun with your old games, digital distribution is the way this is all going to come to you soon enough.

But since Microsoft is moving to an online strategy, we have no idea what the future holds. Maybe like everything PC and iOS, you'll just be able to keep play the current system as long as you want or they'll let you move all your software to the new machine. Or, worst case, they'll just sell you all those games

That's insane! Is that from a private household?

Can't wait for an Xbone.

It was a pleasure to read all your very insightful and accurate posts. Saved me oh so much typing! :)

The loss of Ironside makes me much sadder than the loss of Hayter, but I think both are a loss of a character.

While I agree somewhat...he has been Snake for all these games. It IS the character. Hayter IS Snake. Changing the voice makes absolutely no sense to me when Hayter is alive and willing. (and likely costs a heck of a lot less than Sutherland)

Now playing

Wow! I had no idea and I've had cats as pets all my life. I always thought it looked like an inefficient way to drink. Thanks!

Well you certainly seem pretty enlightened. I'm glad you recognize that morality isn't a religious aspect. I think morality is an evolutionary trait, without certain moral rules, society would not survive. Plus, some people who claim to lead religions end up being the least moral people, so it obviously isn't a

No apologies necessary. Discussions of religion are a past time of mine. :) My wife was raised very Catholic and her mother (who lives with us), is still very Catholic. My wife's brother is a fundamentalist Baptist minister and raised his 5 children like something right out of the movie Jesus Camp. My own mother

While I am an atheist and have little respect for the church, especially the Catholic church, I wish more people had the outlook that you do about God.

I could not agree with you more.

Haha! You're funny!

Mine if also way in to Minecraft...which I still find enjoyable and loads of fun to play co-op on the 360 with the kid. Minecraft also have a huge merchandise line now too. Oh well...better to have gaming toys if you gotta have toys I guess. :)

I think Angry Birds just suffers from the masses hating what is popular. There is no logic to this hate, but it is overly common.

Yes...yes it is a sin...and that's really what stink about the whole banning of the commercial. It reeks of bible thumping.

Agreed...all consoles should be black in my opinion. (says the guy with a red 360, red Wii, and blue original X-Box.) Mind you, I'd take pretty much any colour over white...I hate white machines.

And you think someone wants to read your post? Get over is a sad life that has to reply to posts that you think are irrelevant.

The kid for sure, he is six and LOVES all things Angry Birds and is starting to have an interest in Star Wars, though he hasn't seen the films yet.