Vampire...but both undead. :)
Vampire...but both undead. :)
Those are great! My kid would go nuts for them.
Yeah, it is a big disconnect. They really missed the opportunity for any meaningful narrative. I really liked the first Dead Island, but the story and dialogue were just atrocious.
You haven't been keeping up with the zombie apocalypse stuff have you?
What!? So would they have been ok if the zombies dragged the people out of the boat and ate them?
I would imagine they'd soon just ditch the basic...maybe even when stock dries up. You can't download some digital versions of full games to the basic due to the lack of storage.
It definitely doesn't look as visually pleasing as Generations. I know they are maybe doing more in-game, but Generations is way nicer looking than those clips.
1. less than 1. I have a solid internet connection and I am not bothered by being online for constant checks.
Exactly! Shipping to Canada is ridiculous. I was all set to buy the Kotaku shirts when they originally went on sale, but the shipping was as much as one of the shirts. I get stuff from the U.S. all the time, and it doesn't cost that to ship a couple of T-Shirts.
Dead Island has some of the best body damage I think I've ever seen in a game, including breaking bones.
I personally don't have a problem with it at this point.
I think the install base is likely very similar, but that's beside the point. Developing for the Wii U would have likely been rather expensive and sales wouldn't have been that impressive considering the install base. They were already making the game for the U.S. 360 market because the install base for the 360 is…
That's very true now that I think about it. Sony and Microsoft have a much better idea of how to market games than Nintendo. Much of Nintendo's video feel like some elementary school presentation.
It WAS awful. The information was fine if not a little lackluster, but the presentation of the information was TERRIBLE. What a snoozefest. Man, Nintendo really needs to hire some marketing people...I don't know what the hell they are doing anymore.
Very different game, the DS version is more like the Rush series. I thought it was a lot of fun though.
Yeah, that's terrible. The worst of it was that Crytek just put the same bug in the second game after all the problems report on it for the first game. I haven't played Crysis 3 yet, I really hope it isn't present in that game.
Everything must be wireless and then all will be good. I ache for the end of wires.
I wonder if it suffers from the same TV display problems as the Crysis series? (and other games). The display detected shows as 1080p/24 and is locked at the 24fps. Crysis 1 was fixable with alt-entering to window and then back to full screen. Crysis 2 I had to enable v-sync in game and then turn it off again, …
True Blood on BD at is only $25.49 each (seasons 1-4). That's a great deal!
Yes, they didn't at the time of that post...that's an old one, but I was so glad when System Shock 2 came to GoG.