I really liked Manhunt. I thought it was a fantastic game. It just oozed atmosphere and the game play was really good.
I really liked Manhunt. I thought it was a fantastic game. It just oozed atmosphere and the game play was really good.
I was mildly interested...I think it is amazing, but a little pricey. But now it is $250! Way to rich for my blood.
That game overall had the most "deaths" that made me squirm the most in a very long time. I actually really liked that they made me uncomfortable...few games do that now.
This problem is Nintendo's inept marketing but to a larger extent it is Nintendo's absolute failure with software. NOTHING they've made for the WiiU is moving systems. They NEED full fledged Zelda or Mario (3D) games to really pull this out of the tailspin. Maybe only a Zelda will help at this point actually. …
Agreed. I played it on PC but it was a helluva game. I didn't mean that Criterion had to make a racing game either. They could combine vehicles and on foot equally well I think.
I grew up with physical effects as the only option for film and have watched the progression to digital effects...and man, for me digital effects are so much better. Avatar is simply breathtaking for the integration of digital actors and real actors.
So glad this is really starting to happen...can't wait to have something like the Oculus Rift.
Oh man! I heard about that contest and told my wife that Cheesy Garlic Bread would make a great flavour...oh well, it likely wasn't open to Canadians (though I thought it was). Lazy people don't get millions of dollars I guess. :) Can't wait to try them!
I think DICE, Visceral, Bioware, and Criterion would all make fantastic Star Wars games...this seems like a great thing to me.
Hehe...well, that's probably in my top 5 most used apps. I haven't looked at The Weather Channel on TV for several years at least. :)
Thanks for the heads-up Patricia! I cast my vote for it...I love randomly generated games when done well. (like Isacc)
I'm glad TuneIn Radio Pro made the top 20. It is by far my most used app.
Not quite a keyboard, but I LOVE my G13 http://www.logitech.com/en-ca/product/….
I saw Sin and Punishment: Star Successor (Wii) at Toys R Us in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada for $9.99 on the discount racks. I got it for $5 at TRU when it was on clearance, but $10 is a good deal as well.
Why does the violence have to be seen as a positive or negative. It is what it is...it is a game device to keep the game interesting. I love gore, but that's just personal tastes. I don't "need" the gore and I you could likely remove a lot of the violence and still keep many games intact. However, the question…
THIS! I am sick of reading self-entitled whining about how people need to suffer and steal to play games. Games are a luxury. People need to stop feeling entitled to their luxury. I am not wealthy at all but I have TONS of games. Why? Because I don't buy anything on release. I wait and wait and wait until they…
The problem is simply games. Sure the naming is terrible and adds greatly to the confusion, but if there was a game that everyone wanted...the consumer would quickly realize that they needed a new console. Pikmin is not going to fill this void. They need a Zelda or new 3D Mario or some unique IP (maybe) to really…
Obviously it isn't for me...that was the gist of my post. The question is...who is this for? Who is spending that amount of money on a product that they have to do a bunch of stuff to after they've received it?
But he mentions specifically that they are available in his store as well. I would think it would be better for him to order them to his store and finish them off before selling them.
I think these look pretty good, but I don't understand why you wouldn't sell a "finished product"? I mean, if they came pre-sanded and clear-coated you'd likely sell more and could charge a bit more to make up the labour. Plus, some thin foam-rubber, felt, or cork applied to the bottom would make them decent…