
Maybe, though I think you need people to commit to the machine BEFORE they drool over the graphics on the new PS4 and Xbox. I don't think that Nintendo can stand up to the hardware that Sony and Microsoft are offering, but in software they have a very very loyal fanbase which isn't being served at the moment.

I don't think price is the issue at all. What they need to get out before the other consoles hit is some Triple A Nintendo titles. There is nothing to draw most people to the console yet.

I think the Kinect was one of the most amazing things to come out of the last generation of consoles. Cameras that map your body movements, have builts in mics and follow you...what's not to like. Plus, for me personally Dance Central was the biggest impact on my life this gaming generations. Video game fitness

What big issues? I didn't have any problems at all with the first game other than a lack luster story and some fatigue with the lack of variation nearing the end. Gameplay and performance though were top notch in my opinion. Certainly nothing glaring at all. There was a section of endless zombies in the first game

But that's my point...I don't think there was any education occurring. There was no terminology that led me to believe that this was a better or more powerful system, let alone drastically different hardware. You don't have to use big words or be highly technical to get your point across. And let's be fair, anyone

That's too bad. I was looking forward to Riptide having just finished the first game that I really quite enjoyed (minus the crappy story and the way it kind of falls apart at the end). However, I did *just* play it and wasn't the first game an unholy mess when it first came out? Maybe they'll patch it all up and

Wow! Nintendo needs to fire everyone in their marketing department. I don't say that lightly...they do NOT seem to understand how to market that machine.

Yeah, this is news to me. I live in Ontario too. Oh well...I accepted Sony's apology and was happy to get free game from them in the welcome back for having to cancel my credit card and get another. I think people were already fairly compensated if you ask me.

Civilization Revolution and Sword of Fargoal are still my most played games on iOS after all this time.

Wow...that's really cool how they integrated the two things. What a showpiece that would be.

Ummm...that would have nothing to do with private gun ownership. Certainly gun ownership in other countries is harder, Japan is very tough on people applying for gun permits. In a country where gun ownship is so low, you'd need little military might to take over. But I was being facetious, have a look at the LARGE

And where exactly did all the coup d'etats take place? And what form of government was overthrown? It IS extreme paranoia to make those leap in my opinion. LOADS of countries have WAY stricter guns laws, with some having hand-guns illegal to own. More importantly ALL the countries of the world are well below the

I think that's an exercise in extreme paranoia really. The idea that you need to arm yourselves against your own elected government is frankly the silliest idea that is still being pushed on U.S. citizens to keep the 2nd amendment alive. I know people have other views, but that's certainly my take.

1) Yeah, but it isn't the gun companies themselves that are smearing games. I think this is a huge distinction. The bulk of the money the NRA takes in isn't from the gun and ammo manufactures. They are also the NRA, so ties to the gun manufactures seems like a given really. However, I don't see how me buying a

Man, that song was popular EVERYWHERE including here in Canada. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean others don't want to hear news about it. That man broke records on Youtube and certainly deserves some credit. His music is actually pretty good. I wasn't expecting much when I got my kid the album with

Haha! That made me laugh out loud! ;D

Ha! That was my thought too. I immediate thought what a boring Dance Central dance that would make. ;)

I don't know that people are really ever anti-gun. Well, I suppose that some people will claim that all the world's problems would go away if the guns went away. For me, the argument is that private citizens should never own guns. Militaries of the world need guns, so people have to make those guns. So...playing a

Yay! I hope I can get my kid on to this track...he STILL plays Gangnam Style ALL THE TIME. I loved the song when it first came out, but after all this has worn on me a little much. Though, he didn't really groove on any of the other tunes on that album, so maybe it was as much to do with the video as the

I'm pretty excited...I loved them all. I am disappointed that Ironside isn't voicing it though...that's a big blow, but I'll pick up the game regardless if the reviews are favourable.