
Hehe...I love your pick. I played the crap outta that on the Colecovision. Awesome game.

Doesn't anyone who played the games find this hilarious? The content in the game is far more "offensive" than the title of this achievement. Same rules apply as always...if you are offended, you are free to turn it off. But seriously, if you were playing GoWA and that's what bothered need to buy a new

The N64 version was awesome...but I loved all the versions of Road Rash. I'd completely be in for a Kickstarter for it.

I am having a tough time wrapping my head around your argument then. You were complaining that third party companies had a hand in Nintendo's rough time with the WiiU sale but when they offer something of value you dismiss it?

It is totally Nintendo's fault. Nintendo is solely responsible for marketing the WiiU and for sales. They don't release any titles that are a "must have for launch", name the unit the WiiU which causes consumer confusion like the 3DS naming did, and then let the machine just flounder for several months.

Now playing

Thought the nightclub in Tokyo in Kane & Lynch: Dead Men was really cool...the fighting in there was a blast.

You clearly don't have a PC with PhysX support, so you probably shouldn't talk about something you don't know about. Try Borderlands 2, Batman AA or AC, Mafia II, Alice Maddness Return etc, etc on PC with PhysX and get back to us.

Ha! Comparing cigarettes to video games is absurd. The physical dependency of nicotine is nothing like the "addictiveness" of video games. At best video games are a behavioural addiction...and really, for most people one that isn't a problem. You could *maybe* make some parallels with gambling, but no one is

If they made the same version on the 360 on the Vita, it definitely would be a system seller. There is currently no "good" mobile version of Minecraft. Having it on the Vita would sell like the hottest hotcakes you can imagine. It is the number one Live game, and it usually always hovering around number one for the

Does anyone care about PETA anymore? They are a joke, it's all over, move on...we need to stop feeding them attention.

This seems more like an article about a lack of self control really. Know your limits, play within it. Games eating up too much of your less games. The "addictive" properties of a game are really all on you. I love a good 6 hour game, and I've also been playing Civ via email for well over a decade. I

Agreed! The Genesis version was a different game and a better game in my opinion. There were loads of Genesis games that had better ports or version than the SNES version. Aladdin, Earthworm Jim, Sparksters...I could go on and on. There were loads of SNES version of games that were better too. Often too it was a

Civ or Nethack. know it had to share development with consoles right? Plus, they don't have the same luxury of time and dedicated PC space that modders do. I think that's pretty short sighted to think that all PC games should take advantage of all features that a PC can offer. That is a rocking video card on that test

360 version ran flawlessly for me.

HAHA! That was the BEST part of the game when they started playing Ministry...I was totally floored. :) Though, the cutscene with Mr. Crowley playing was pretty amazing too. I loved that game, I am looking forward to playing it again on PC.

Well, it still is piracy. You don't get multi-platform licenses with a single platform purchase. Whether it is morally wrong, in the face of controversy, for you to want to play a better version of a crappy release...that's on you. :)

I perfect fine and comfortable for me. I completely use my PC from the setup shown. I am typing this from that setup as well. I think once tried, most people become believers. The trick is having the large armrest on the sofa.

Not at perfectly good as being at a desk, but far more comfortable. I play primarily on my PC with all the current consoles in reach as well, so if it was "impractical and uncomfortable" I wouldn't bother.