I'm running two 50' HDMI cables from my PC to my TV and one 25' USB cable to the USB hub behind my couch...works perfectly.
I'm running two 50' HDMI cables from my PC to my TV and one 25' USB cable to the USB hub behind my couch...works perfectly.
I like having them all working in a game. For Rage on PC I was in heaven. The 360 controller to do driving and then the mouse and a Logitech G13 (we'll call that a keyboard for argument sake) for the first person shooting.
Really? I mean, it was definitely a bait and switch, but even the bad review didn't make it sound like it was unplayable or anything of the sorts. Did you play it?
Hehe...yes, that might have been a better question. :)
I too bought DNF for $5 and I thought it was pretty good for that price really. I had a lot of fun, played it in 3D on my PC and wasn't the least bit disappointed. Sure, it wasn't a high point in my gaming experience, but I think price+time=expectation+experience. I wasn't expecting the world, I didn't pay a lot…
Maybe, but I find that games rarely suck outright when you pay $5 for them. :)
Who else is waiting for the $5 Steam sale?
I don't see a problem here. It is a preview. Games in preview and demos often don't show how shitty a game is because the devs can pick and choose what they are showing you. Sure, Aliens CM was the nastiest end of this practice we've seen in a while, but it isn't unique. I don't preorder games for this reason. I…
There are loads of non-Microsoft headset though...it really is also "use any device you want". The connector isn't proprietary and is the same connector you'd use for any standard phone headset (like if you phone has a headphone jack on it). My wife actually uses the same headset connection for her work phone and…
I'm curious, do people really play demos for games like this? I mean, it is the 6th+ GoW game, so you kinda know what you are getting in to...plus, depending on where the demo is cut from the game...don't you just kind of ruin the surprise? GoW has a pretty decent story. I don't want bits of it...I want it all in a…
Yeah, there is a lot to be said for wired devices. No loss of signal, no pairing issue, no charging, cheaper devices, etc.
Hehe...Bell is the devil for us. Service here is 5Mbps max (up) and I have horror stories galore about their customer service. Rogers here has been amazing for us and I've lived at either end of Barrie and had the same great service. It is pretty much pick your poison though, I imagine you can get as many stories…
It is almost wireless on the 360...you can walk around if you hold the controller. I prefer the boom mics with the ear piece that doesn't insert in your ear, so for me the 360 offers more choice in this area. Also, all my BT headsets (I have 4) pick up WAY too much background noise.
Really? I was just in Bell today actually looking at prices to renegotiate my yearly contract with Rogers and they were discounting a fair bit for bundling. Rogers definitely does us, at least up to the end of my contract this month...maybe that's all changed though. I get like 15% off everything bundling with…
I only play co-op or speak with friends...I don't converse with the great unwashed masses. :)
Good point. I should have clarified that, though, I guess I imagined that most people have most services in one basket now...or at least 3. I have Rogers for 3 and Telus for 1...you really do get great deals for bundling services together (like $20 off the unlimited internet). My wife works for Telus, so our…
Yeah, I have both wired and BT headsets for the PS3...I still think Microsoft solution was far more elegant and they offered a much better gaming mic solution. Plus, there were loads of 3rd party mics for the 360.
Yay! Headset port! I dunno what they were thinking with the PS3 after seeing what Microsoft was doing.
Doh! I hit the wrong button...yeah, ummm...Gametrailers...that's was something once. :)