
Says the 2o-something person who is currently healthy. Wait until you need a knee replacement, cancer treatment or a myriad of other health treatments and get back to us about how that fast internet is worth more. Anyhow, I have over 100Mbps down on Rogers in Ontario and up doesn't concern me much.

$10 to any Bell internet plan for unlimited...I expect everyone else to follow very soon.

I NEED FTL for my iPhone!

Oh...ewww! I'm amazed DC is doing that really, Card is pretty polarizing. Fantastic story writer, terrible human being.


What thing is that? That he hates gay people and writes cool books which makes me not want to read his book...but they are I go round and round. At least I read most of his books before I found out. Or was there something new in the news about him?

Have a good relationship or least do something you love.

Amazing!!!!!!! SS2 is my all-time-favourite-game and I am SO glad that I can now just point to GoG when I tell everyone it is my favourite game and they must play it. Must play for EVERYONE who obviously loved Bioshock, but a must play for shooter, horror and game fans everywhere. Looks like I'll have a bunch of

What's wrong with Dead Island? I am currently playing it on PC co-op with a buddy and it is loads of fun and works very very well. Maybe in its original state it was bad? I obviously have the luxury of numerous patches.

You forgot to add that 3 out of every 4 half hours spent loading up a cassette tape failed and you had to start from scratch. :) Man...I was glad that technology died for computers quickly.

I don't think Skylanders is actually quite the walkthrough you think it is...sure, it is easy, but there are difficult bits as well. My 6 year old (who *just* turned 6) has been playing Minecraft on 360 since it was release and builds incredibly complex tracks, structures, etc. Kids won't have a problem with it and

The lastest version on iOS is almost a game now. It just needs to generate underground caves and populate with monsters and all the basics would be in place for survival mode. I was happily playing along in it the other day until I discovered that there were no cave systems and monsters underground. The ground is a

I too lost a Fatty. I am sad every day because the PS2 hooked up to an HDTV is filled with lots of noise and stuff and the PS3 BC was so clean and crisp. I'd pay extra for a unit with an emotion chip in it.

Actually, they were essentially stargates, but they called them something else (goes looks on internet). Yeah, Doaka is the name they used.

Ha! I'm sure that's exactly how it went down.

Well said, I feel the same and my digital dollars go to XBLA, PSN, Steam, etc but never Nintendo.

I wrote this as a response to ThermalKnome, but I'll post it out here as it sums up my feelings to most of the replies.

I was never saying that Origins wasn't a load of fun...I was saying it wasn't the second coming of gaming.

I certainly don't think it is something to get worked up about. I can completely understand Ubi's stance in wanting to share advertising space with the other consoles and make the release a better financial success. Why should people be pissed at that? It isn't like Rayman Legends is the second coming...people are

Wow...who cares. You didn't buy a WiiU for Rayman Legends, you bought it for the Nintendo first party games...just like the last several Nintendo platforms. You'll still get Rayman Legends on the one is taking that away from you.