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Dead Island. Those people come apart better than SoFII. Breaking bones too!

Yeah, I don't know why more stuff like that didn't hit the market. Maybe pulled back because it was "too much"? I thought the game was alright, but the gore was fantastic. I vividly remember shooting someone close range with the shotgun in the face and the results were intense. Dead Island was the most recent

GoW3 was my first thought. That game made me recoil a little and I usually love my blood in buckets. Amazing game.

What's wrong with Skylanders? My kid loves them and both games are actually pretty good. Did you not collect anything as a kid? I have PILES of old Transformers, He-Man toys, comic books, etc. Don't happy that the kids are interested in gaming.

Really? I hardly think it is a scam and who am I to judge what others spend their money on. Many would look at my game collection as a "waste" of money. Money is only wasted when you don't get something out of it.

Wow! I am surprised. I love 3D at home and was looking forward to BD releases of the 6 movies in 3D. Well...I guess the sunny side is that I can finally buy it on BD in non-3D to share with my 6 year old.

Sword of Fargoal!!!

I clicked this article in hopes of finding a modern take on that game...sadly, it doesn't really look like it.

Yeah, that was my take too. :)

I love my Super Slim. It is quieter than my old Fat60GB, but nothing can replace the backwards compatibility of my old workhorse. Sony should re-release a PS3 with the Emotion Chip since they've now retired the PS2. Maybe a "special edition"?

No...I think censoring is censoring. I don't agree that this app should be available, but censorship is censorship. Much of what Apple censors is for legit reasons much like this issue, sure they make questionable choices in what they censor, but Android fans liked to flaunt the fact that Google doesn't censor...but

Man...that would be awesome. I remember ages ago McDonald's serving all-day Egg McMuffins...glorious times.

So can we scratch the "apps censorship" argument from the Apple vs Android list now? :)

Nice! I'm all for more cross-platform chat systems. Hopefully we will get a boost in the audio quality as well and some NICE sounding first party headsets.

Yeah, my wife is like 4 million something in that song on medium. Sounds like you'll be nice and inspiring. :) I'm nowhere nears as good as that. :) My son LOVES Gangnam we had piles of exposure before DC. We bought the EP too...the rest of the songs are pretty good too. Request accepted. I'll send a

Yeah, I'm still using IE as it is my default browser, but if I want to reply to a post other than something in my inbox I need to switch over to Chrome.

Feel free to send a friend tag is the same Datacide. I'm not as good as my wife, we can add you to her as well. :) It is really nice to have lots of people with scores. I haven't actually done much of the party and battle stuff. It is my 30 minutes of alone time too. :)

This is not the scapegoat you are looking for.

I thought the credits were very unique...awesome they were fan done.

Sorry double post (again). Man, Kotaku has a full on hate for my IE browser lately. Even asking me for those word verification tests for posting even when I am logged in.