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Enter the Ninja! (sorry, I can't see the word Ninja anymore without thinking Die Antwoord). Sorry, double post.

Wow a played A LOT of C64 games...hundreds and hundreds...I never even saw that one.

Wow a played A LOT of C64 games...hundreds and hundreds...I never even saw that one.

Wow a played A LOT of C64 games...hundreds and hundreds...I never even saw that one.

Wow a played A LOT of C64 games...hundreds and hundreds...I never even saw that one. 3GS will be 4 years old this coming summer and up until now has be able to be updated to the current iOS.

I have to disagree with that...I still rock a 3GS and it is faster now with the new OS upgrade than it was previously. It is also FULL of apps. I have a 32GB and have 1.7GB free. Mileage will vary from phone to phone even with the same model...but I haven't seen any "degradation" that you speak of.

Is Sopranos every coming ALL to BluRay? This is one of my favourite gangster experiences and it seems cruel to have Season 1 and the two parts of Season 6 being the only Blurays. I think Goodfellas is my favourite mob film...but Pulp Fiction is a very close second.

Try going on a shooting spree with a musket and see how long it takes before someone takes you out during reloads.

Must have Civ on tablet...toilet time now complete.

I've got Stretch Panic...isn't that all the matters. :)

I don't "kickstart" but I'd definitely kickstart a new Blur....fantastic game and one of my favourites!

Yeah, it was my fav until the 360 controller. I still obviously prefer the d-pad on the dualshock, but my hands cramp less on the 360 controller. I also prefer the 360 analog sticks...but the PS2 controller was still amazing.

I know the past couple years have been tough for Sony, but does anyone think a "special edition" PS3 with the old emotion chip put back in them would bolster Sony's sales of hardware? You could likely ask a premium price of $400 or so with a 500GB drive. I am on a super-slim PS3 after my 60GB Fat unit died, and I

+1...He-Man is this in my eye (and ears) now. :)

Yeah, he's already hooked. It is his birthday today (28th) and he just got the WiiU he was asking for and he is already addicted to Minecraft on the in a couple years, hopefully he'll be good for some co-op outside of Minecraft :)

1982...Colecovision. I was totally floored because my folks completely convinced me that we couldn't afford one...AND I got Zaxxon with it to accompany Donkey Kong that was included. Good day, good day indeed!

That fast forward effect is likely something in your settings. If you turn off the motion enhancements, you'll likely get a more "real" film feel. I personally love the smooth motion and "soap opera" effect that TVs can produce, but you can't have lag with it or it ruins the whole thing.

Saints Row 3 is awesome co-op, but I bet it would be enjoyable single player as well. Metro 2033 was amazing, one of the best games ever I think. STALKER I haven't played. I started when it was released, and it was buggy. I think it is still a little buggy but way less so. It is on my short list now, but with