Zombie U would disagree.
Zombie U would disagree.
Damn! I thought for sure Postal 2 would get more press. I loved Postal 2.
Sure, you certainly can't get the guns out of everyone's hands, but you can at least try. You are right, fear in the US is the problem. They've all armed themselves and no one wants to lay down their weapons first. Certainly countries with better gun control have much less gun violence, so I find it hard to argue…
Yeah, I don't think you read what I wrote very carefully. I said we share almost exactly the same culture, so to attack their culture would be to attack our own. What I was attacking is their gun culture. A culture of a right to own guns, carry guns, stockpile gun, and almost bordering on worship of guns.
Yeah, but the reason why the stabbings weren't fatal was because they were stabbings (and luck). He stabbed 20+ people...no one was stopping him at the time. If those were gun attacks, I'm sure there would have been many fatalities.
Yeah, I still think it is the guns. It is SO much easier to inflict massive damage and death with a gun. The difference in the disconnect with firing a gun and stabbing someone with a knife is huge. You don't have to be anywhere close to a person to kill them with a gun, you do have to be close to them with a…
As one from Canada and a country who, more often than not, seamlessly blends culture with the U.S. and consumes 99.9% of the same media as the U.S...I think you are spot on.
Canada shares pretty much 99% of the culture of the U.S. save the gun culture. We sell guns in Canada, it is generally legal to buy guns in Canada save semi-autos, and there is a large population here with guns. The difference? It isn't a "right" in Canada. You need to pass tests, register all handguns and some…
Woot! That's awesome...other than the ending I thought Rage was absolutely fantastic. I can't wait to get back in to it! That's very exciting news indeed
My wife works for a call center for a major telecommunication company and makes a very descent wage (and it is a union gig). They take feedback very seriously and constantly are monitoring what is driving calls and figuring out how to correct the issues. They really do want to keep the customer as happy as they…
No it isn't from what I've been reading. What is your source? This source has been repeated over tons of gaming news services. http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/142002-wii-u-cpu-and-gpu-clock-speeds-revealed-not-the-end-of-the-world-but-not-great-either
People bought a lot of games from those studios. It is a shame for things like Studio Liverpool who have finally evolved WipEout to perfection, only to be axed by a troubled parent company. Rockstar Vancouver was closed more for the troubled Vancouver scene for making games than because they "make games people…
I think the anger is somewhat well placed to be honest, everyone else lets you recover your content and profiles on replacement hardware with really no hassle at all. I know it doesn't help to bitch at the customer service reps, but it does provide feedback and often this feedback is taken seriously. They pay people…
As UI 2.0 said, you can't abuse it on the PS3 and you can't abuse it on the 360. Microsoft registers the content to the console AND the profile. I have two 360s, a family unit and a personal unit. When you buy content it is available to all users on that machine, however only the profile that bought that content…
Ubi games are some of the LONGEST credits I've ever watched. The problem is localization. The game I played does NOT include everyone listed in the credits. A big chunk of the credits goes to all the different languages and localization for the MANY different regions Ubi releases their games in (and props to Ubi…
The CPU is definitely worse according to info out there (cited in this discussion). Lower clock speed and less threads than the 360 processor. There isn't much to spin as "better" about the WiiU CPU.
This is a good start. http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/142002-wii-u-cpu-and-gpu-clock-speeds-revealed-not-the-end-of-the-world-but-not-great-either
This is a fair question. Considering the amount of power needed to recharge the unit every 3-4 hours, I think this has to be factored in to the overall power consumption.
Sure, it is definitely rough for the new console on the block. Devs have little time to get used to the hardware so the early stuff will definitely be the roughest. I think though that even without optimization, historically the "next gen" hardware gets a leap simply from new and better hardware. This will simply…
Oh I didn't mean to suggest that there won't be more power and performance brought out from the WiiU. What I find troubling is that the new console on the block has trouble even matching the performance of older rivals. Usually when a new console launches and it gets ports of titles that are on the older console,…