
If it were only this game, I'd blame the devs. But if you go and look at all the Digital Foundry Face-offs for all the Wii U get a sinking feeling. I presume Nintendo will pull some better performance out of the machine, but I think we are on track for another typical Nintendo machine. Great 1st party

That's just a dumb list. However, if you are going to mention Twilight Princess...I think Skyward Sword was far and away the worst Zelda title, so wouldn't that have to replace Twilight Princess on this list? I guess if I made the list it would. :)

I don't know...depends on how many choices I felt were left. I don't replay any games generally, I just don't have time. There are exception, I think System Shock 2 and Chronicle of Riddick are my most replayed at 5 and 4 times saying that I'd actually like to replay The Walking Dead is something

I have to disagree with that. Replay is certainly wife and I are looking forward to playing it again an making different choices. We did some bad things to people I'd maybe like to rethink. :)

There really was no other choice. There were some amazing titles out this year, but it is rare when such an experience changes how you look at games.

Oh it isn't as powerful as 3x580s...but like I said, I've been able to pretty much completely and ridiculously max out everything so I'm content for the moment. :) It was the card in a system package from NCIX and was a great deal for the whole system and saved me a bundle if I had to piece it together

Yeah, I am in the same boat, I'd love to see it in more comparisons. I haven't played FarCry 3 yet, but everything else I throw at the card pretty much lets me max out all the options in the nVidia control panel and in the game, so I am very very happy with the card. At least we are using less power than two 680s. :)

Nice come needed 2 months to come up with that? You presume to tell me what to write and how to write it and then tell me that I don't have the right to say what I want to you?! Please...I can't believe what a waste of time you are.

I don't see race, colour, sex, or species...I just see moving targets.

Oh...heh...I didn't click the link. That's much better. I went to the sale via the Steam application and it didn't display all the sales items in one go...and there was no apparent way to see what was left, you just had to refresh and spin the wheel and see what came next. For instance, I never saw Vessel on there

Anyone know how to view all the titles on sale for this sale? Every time I click the banner for the sale it loads up different titles (well, not all different, but enough are different to make me wonder what titles are exactly on sale). I know I can go through all the controller-enabled titles, but that's a HUGE

Right...but with the Deluxe Package, you get that $25 dock for free essentially. You are only paying $50 more for a dock, NintendoLand, and 24GB more internal storage. I don't see how that is any waste of money, quite the contrary...I save $10 on the price of NintendoLand and the dock and 24GB of storage are "free".

Who cares. I am getting the game on Steam and it won't have a cover. I'll still enjoy the same rocking game as those with the covers. People get WAY too uptight about the art of the gamebox that they rarely ever look at. Even those game that I have with physical boxes and console game don't display covers to

Yeah...that's some awesome logic there. Good luck with that.

PS+ is awesome. My PS3 is full of goodies and I already have loads of stuff for a Vita I don't even have yet. I can't believe the content they give you with the membership.

Well, it isn't always an assured thing...hence why them saying that there is going to be a price drop is significant. If they are going to drop the price, I don't see why one shouldn't wait unless you need one right now. I have more than enough games to keep me busy for the next 2 years at I can afford to

I'm with you...and I'd add Half Life 2 in to the mix to make it harder, I can't choose between those three. (I love your avatar btw!) :)

I think the memory card sizes and prices are a big stumbling block. I have a 32GB card in my PSP full of games downloaded from PSN. I likely need two 32GB cards for the PS Vita to fit the old PSP games and for space for new Vita games (which I have 6 already from PS+ membership). Two memory cards of that size are

I think it is a valid concern. They had some brand recognition issues with the 3DS as well...people were thinking it was simply a 3D DS instead of new hardware. Whomever is in charge of their naming convention should really be replaced. Sure, it isn't a long term issue, but we are at a key holiday shopping time and

That's true, though I couldn't get those shipped to Canada and we didn't have anything close to that deal. $200 is the best right now...and that's still very good, but considering the sales of the unit and the competition, I'm assuming we'll really start seeing the prices fall after X-Mas. What I really want to see