
I love my backlit K800. It is nice to have when your gaming environment is dim or in my case, very dark. The backlight is adjustable to suit yoru can turn it off too. I don't care how good of keyboarder you are, you likely need to look at the keyboard at some point. Mine comes on with movement sensors

Sweet! I loved Generations on PC...I really hope they continue to support the PC.

I love them (and will continue to call them "Quick Time Events")...however, in games like God of War I kinda dislike them too. The cutscenes are bloody incredible and my eyes are taken off them looking for the QTE prompts. GoW3 cleaned this up a little with better prompt placement, but it is still an issue of

Excellent. Definitely one of the watershed moments for me and gaming...totally blew me away and I think it holds up very well even today.

My mom's name is Sandy (well, Sandra, but she goes by "Sandy"). She'd scare the shit out of you. :)

Vic's shows would be fine...he runs his own stuff. is one of my go-to sites.

Without the video game is Spike...and I already have Spike.

I too love this feature, though, I don't have this feature on my 360...and still the 360 feels much snappier when I have to interface with the Live when compared with PSN. I still have to interact with the non-automated PSN store on a fairly regular basis, so PS+ only takes away some of the pain.

Yeah, it is a shame though. But you are still isn't going to get me to spend any quality time with Just Dance 4. I'll get my Dance Central 3 next week, I can't wait. :)

It doesn't say that it is an exclusive to Just Dance though. However, I don't know if all the music on Dance Central is exclusive to Dance Central or vice versa for Just Dance 4. Seems like a no-brainer for Dance Central though...Microsoft really should have got Gangnam Style for the launch of Dance Central 3.

If you want an exercise game can't beat Dance Central. Definitely get the unit with the hard drive...4GB ain't gonna take you far. The $399.99 bundle is a pretty great deal if you are looking for Kinect stuff.

I won't see my copy until after the weekend. Any idea if they got rid of the stupid limit on custom playlists? I hate that Dance Central 2 only has a limit of 5. With all the tracks from DC1 and is impossible to make enough playlists that will eventually get you through all the tracks in about 1/2 hour


Just checking (if you don't mind). You mean these ones?

That's pretty sweet. Can anyone recommend a good mic?

Oh I agree...the other platforms definitely had great games. I love God of War and put tons of mileage on my PS2 with various games. Don't forget Ico, SotC, Maximo, Soul Reaver 2, Silent Hill 3 and many other great PS3 exclusives. The Gamecube was definitely my least played console in history. I just never found, it was pretty widely known at the time. I'm sure you can Google tons of old reviews that would provide corroborating evidence for different games. I'm not talking out of the fanboy side of my mouth. The technical difference in most ports most often favoured the Xbox version. Maybe it has been a while for

It had the same multiplatform games, but the ports where generally much nicer on the Xbox. Shockingly better in lots of cases. Splinter Cell was night and day on the PS2 and Xbox.

Really?! Man, there were loads of great titles on the original Xbox. Buffy and Riddick just to name two of my favourites, plus generally having the superior port of the games that were multiplatform. Definitely was played loads more than the PS2 and Gamecube for me.

Yes...yes it was. I should have probably looked at the box before I posted. I haven't played it and all the screen shots looked so last gen that I think I was confused. Doh! Old man brain fails me again. :)