
Agreed...I am super excited for Transformed, the first one was an absolute blast.

Play the demo in your browser to see what the fuss is about.

Hear hear! I would buy it for every system as fact all this talking about it is going to make me go play more of it. Amazing!

Totally agree. I use Pinnacle but I know your pain. I disagree with Daftmouse though, I think the game is MUCH better with a dual stick controller.

I'm interested as long as I don't have to play it like QWOP.

I love my wireless Ligitech G700 mouse for gaming. Get a mouse pad if the desk doesn't play along...the right surface can make a world of difference.

At the time, the first two RE games were pretty scary. The first one in particular was a new horror experience for most people. I think loads of people could tell you where they were when the dogs burst through the windows the first time. Sure, it was a cheap "boo!" but it was damn frightening to come out of a game

What?! It is really coming out for a modern platform? Damn...I found one in a local Gamestop used like a year ago and bought it just because I'd heard good things and horror games are so few and far between. I haven't had time to play it either. Guess I won't bother now until I hear how the remake does.

Do you like sports? I don't watch sports, play sports, my interest in sports games is zero. I love horror novels, movies, etc. My favourite games are horror games. It is all really just what you are in to. I've played some sports games with other people and they were a blast to play (especially with

Those are insanely good. I can't even imagine that much detail, let alone draw...must be amazing to be able to draw like that.

Yeah, the melee was awesome, as was the rest of the game. Condemned was also extremely good for first person melee.

I have a 3Gs which is now 4 cycles still got support for the latest OS(6). It actually improved the performance of the phone quite a bit which surprised me. Even if tyty27 got the 4s and upgraded to the 6 when the 6 was "free with contract" with an impending 7 release, you'd still be in great shape for a

I dunno about that. I am still rocking a 3GS and it still works extremely well. It is faster since iOS6. Sure, it isn't as fast as the new phone, and I don't have Siri and other features. But for me who actually does a lot on their phone with lots of gaming, it works just wonderfully.

A) I can't remember if there is native joystick support, but you could always use something like which is awesome and I use for other games.

Thanks! +1

If having digital downloads means I can get awesome, top-quality games on Steam for $5...I'll take the digital downloads.

Yeah, the new way to insert the disc is dumb. I dunno about everyone else, but I have my consoles inserted in to home theater stands. Where my PS3 and 360 are there isn't the room to insert a disc from the top. What's the point of making a "super-slim PS3" unit if I need to leave tons of head room to insert a disc?

Crysis (and Crysis 2) if you didn't do that. Just Cause 2 is an amazing PC engine if you didn't play it on consoles. Play Metro 2033 first though...that's a total blow-your-mind graphic feast on PC.

Seriously? You know correcting spelling and grammar on the internet is really a useless past-time. I presume you never make errors? Here's one for you.

But you can upgrade when you want to...know one is forcing upgrades. I still rock a 3GS and honestly it works great, looks great for games, and really meets all my needs (and still receives the latest iOS updates, though minus features). I don't have the income or the vanity to upgrade all the time. I will however