
I've had similar results with Dance Central (1 and 2) and that is a game designed around exercise (and in no way is it "gimmicky"). It is great to get exercise anyway you can with any motivation that works, but playing games on an exercise bike (or treadmill) never worked well for me. Dance Central on the other hand

Haha! Yeah, I didn't include my 16-bit backlog...seems like something I just may never get to. :)

The only thing I dislike about extended QTE bits is that I ignore all the crazy stuff going on screen to watch the locations of the next button I have to press. Some do it better than others (GoW is pretty good), but I still feel like a miss a bunch of the visuals during long QTEs.

Exactly! It is always "ok...just one more turn".

Seriously...what's with the music blasting through the headset...especially the people who jack the music source right in! I hope they catch the biggest crabs that breathe herpes and shit gonorrhea!

Rage was awesome...except for the ending. Amazing gameplay and the driving game could have been a stand-alone triple-A title title. I loved Rage to bits.

I finished Uncharted 3 (yes, I am that backlogged). It was awesome, though I don't think it was quite as tight a game as #2...and I played more Skyrim...there always seems to be more Skyrim. Played loads of Minecraft on 360 with my 5 year old as well. I would have LOVED a game like Minecraft at his age. (not that

I hope that someone is looking at a PC port...that would definitely make it more similar. :)

I'm just glad we think alike. :)

I guess some gamers have a hard time understanding why you'd play a game only to gloss over the actual "game" part. I think you should play a game on a difficulty that challenges you. No one is suggesting playing on hardcore, hard or even normal if you aren't up for it, but you still should have the challenge. The

I think it ruins what is the "game" part of a video game to play without the challenge that the game presents you. Whether you are challenged with puzzles, or just how quickly you can react, this is where the accomplishment lies. Certainly games can be appreciated for the beauty, the music, the art, the story

But why would you not want the HD port of these magical games? If you really love these games, then I think buying the HD port would be a no brainer wouldn't it? Sure I can play it on my PS2...but I can also play it looking better and running better on my PS3...I'll take the nicer version thanks. I'm happy to vote

Cool...I wonder if they'll double dip for the import of the DC1 songs I already paid to bring in to DC2. :)

Yeah, I agree with the last part. I definitely would have paid more for a better HD collection. As it stands, I didn't bother to buy it since I can just play the old ones and I didn't want a lesser version.

Damn! Now I wish it was on PC even more (to hopefully smooth out the framerate). At least you think the heart of it is better than Homecoming. I liked Homecoming, but it was one of the weakest. Thanks.

I kinda liked all the SH games...certainly none of them were "crap" like many critics have made them out to be. Do you find Downpour better or worse than Homecoming? I've been waiting for Downpour to hit the bargain bins...pity it wasn't on PC.

So excited for Dance Central 3...anyone know if there was any news about importing the songs from 1 and 2?

This should be a warning for lots of iOS games. Many of which have beautiful and haunting soundtracks with headphones (and good headphones...low end really makes a HUGE difference). The difference in these games without headphones is often staggering. It is like playing without one of your senses. Tinny speakers

Black and green are awesome. :)

The last couple games rocked and really, I liked most of the games except for 2006 Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic 4 EP1/2 (and I never got in to Riders). Generations was awesome son and I had a blast playing it.