
I made the bulk of the reply directed to Jasper, but I have the PS3 WIRED for connection and it is far and away slower than both my wired 360 and my son's wireless 360 (and PCs, etc)

Nope, it is the connection to PSN. EVERYTHING else, Steam, XBLA, everything I do on PC, etc is WAY faster than PSN for the same file size. Updates very often take much longer than 5 minutes. I've watched new games be inserted in to PS3s at my house and friends houses that take over 1 hour to download all the

Agreed and it certainly feels like my money is also going towards faster/more servers. XBLA downloads are way faster than PSN, at least where I am. PSN is extremely slow...making the broken speed of a PS3 update that much more brutal to sit through.

Can you sell them on eBay or something and give all the money to Child's Play or charity of choice? Gets the auction off of Kotaku (if you don't want to deal with a headache like that).

Yeah, that was my take too. I guess they don't want to have people worry about the wiring or any legal BS that comes with selling a product in that class. I wonder if it works with rocker-type switches as well? Neat idea though. Hard wired and one that will fit a double switch and then I'd buy one. :)

Lack of lots of AAA stuff really. Obscure games in the video...odd those are the choices.

When I first saw the pic and the headline, I thought the article was going to be about someone making a gold Mario statue and was selling it on eBay for $300K. It does look a little on the amateur side.

I don't want one at launch. Who wants to add-on some equivalent of Motion Plus, or Circle Pad Pro to their very expensive controller when the next version will have it built in with a better screen and likely cheaper. I'm still undecided if I want a 3DS XL (since waiting for improvements over the launch system) or

I dunno what game you played, but I thought the motion control in Skyward Sword flaked out a lot. Certainly wasn't a perfect execution at all. In fact, I thought the controls in Skyward sword outside the motion controls were kinda awful too.

Oooo...that's a brilliant idea (hand gestures for controlling squadmates).

I like Linkin Park too and I don't have a problem with this video either. Nice to hear some words about people involved in the game. There are lots of popular songs in games. If the song works and fits...all the power to 'em. I certainly didn't feel that they were trying to make as much out of it as maybe Kirk was

HAHA! Well, I'm glad I stuck to my guns and waited...I hope that other PC users did the same and this somehow affected sales. More likely it isn't generating much on the consoles anymore, so they might as well release it for PC now and scrape out what they can for it.

Man, that would have been an awesome game in the 2600 days.

Now playing

RIP Pysgnosis/Liverpool. I hope the talent is shuttled somewhere else and they continue to make the best racing game ever (WipEout). You made my Amiga sing.

I agree with your take on the Metro-style interface for the 360. It just doesn't work well...what a complete failure in user navigation. It doesn't work well with a controller and using gestures with a Kinect is too slow. Voice navigation is really what I use a lot now...and that's really just annoying. I totally

That sucks. WipEout is my favourite racing game (since there hasn't been a new Road Rash in how many generations now?). Most of the games I bought on my Amiga were Psygnosis games and they were some of the best games on the platform. They continued to make wonderful games through the years and Wipeout on the Vita

Wow! That seems extremely high! I dunno if I believe that (even though I believe that piracy is a blight on society). I'd certainly like to see Steam sales numbers for Ubisoft seems hard to believe such high percentages with the price of things on Steam. Hopefully Uplay will help boost their bottom

Dance Central 1 and 2 is the BEST exercise regime I've ever done. If you have trouble getting motivated to exercise and you have a is SOOOO worth it. I'm in such better shape (which was pretty bad before) and I've only had it for 6 months. I'm so addicted, which is really the best part of any exercise

I played Batman AC, Duke Nukem Forever and Battlefield 3 (SP) in 3D on my HDTV from my PC. Biggest gripes are having to run in 720p because of the limitations of 3D on my TV (and most TVs I believe) and that is just hurts my eyes after a while.

Wow! That looks great! I dunno about everyone else...I'm not burned out on zombies yet. Teamwork online pretty much always gets my attention though. :)