
Looks awesome where I am right now.

Jebus! Who ever is holding the IP for System Shock 2 (looks towards EA)...please re-release it. It was the single most impressive game I ever played and it deserves some remake/re-release/HD-ified love.

Do any of the patches address the graphical issues with the ports? There was lots of missing graphics in backgrounds, bad fog, etc. I was super excited to get it until I saw the Digital Foundry Face-Off...then I lost all interest. I'd happily buy it if they actually fixed it, but bad lighting and fog is a terrible

That seems slightly unnecessary doesn't it? Most apps now update themselves and are easy to install already. Saving to an online space is pretty common too for those who need it. It isn't like Valve does any quality control of applications. There are numerous problems with many games that Valve can't enforce fixes

That's a shame...I was looking forward to Insane. Mind you, I look forward to any horror themed video games, they are so few and far between.

Wow...that's some messed up transaction right there. How does one get to needing a 30K video game cart in the first place?

I played Rage on PC a least 6 months after release, so I likely played with all the patching. I didn't run in to any issues...other than the awful ending. :) I thought the game ran superbly.

It was a joke, but worked in a pinch for a lot of people. Isopropyl alcohol and Q-Tips were my fix...but that doesn't make for a funny picture. :) I dunno how much damage blowing did cousins would practically spit in their carts and they kept on ticking.


Thanks. A gamer after my own heart (a cheap one). :) I was just figuring since I was playing it already I might as well throw it in if it didn't screw things up or unbalance things. I missed that opportunity with the DLC for Deus Ex HR. I rarely have time to go back and play games again. However, I did go back

Yes...and I played it online co-op, but it really wasn't a solid port. It was certainly great for the hardware limitations, but it really needed a lot more horsepower. The differences in the PC version are fairly substantial graphically...and this had a lot of affect on the mood IMO. I think bringing it to modern

I am just playing Skyrim for the PC for the first time now. Should I get the DLC and put it in the game now...or is this best left out until you've been through the game once? Thoughts?

Oh sweet...I must have missed the announcement of the PC getting the BFG edition. I was thinking this was just a modern port of an old fantastic game on PC for the consoles. I look forward to playing it all over again on PC with new content. Doom3 is still one of my favourite games and Rage was seriously some of

All the big loads of gamers are now parents raising generations of gamers. This has to be affecting the stats.

?? What else was there to say? I appreciate news that isn't padded.

I think you could die from a lot more from not wearing shoes. :) And they won't serve you at McDonald's without shoes. I'll risk the spiders.

Ouch! Thanks Kirk, I was looking forward to Deadlight from the trailers, but not anymore. Life's too short for bad (or mediocre) games.

Thanks! @Adam Armour @eviladrian

Anybody see anywhere what the bitrate is of the MP3s? I know I could convert from FLAC if needed, but I'm lazy. :)

Hehe...I spent 3 hours playing split-screen Minecraft on the 360 today with my 5 year old. :) Time well spent in my opinion!