iTunes is the devil. I never hated a piece of software more. It pains me when I have to use it for my iPhone/iPad. I have some nice direct drop software for the devices now is out there and works pretty well.
iTunes is the devil. I never hated a piece of software more. It pains me when I have to use it for my iPhone/iPad. I have some nice direct drop software for the devices now is out there and works pretty well.
I couldn't be happier with my Logitech K800 Wireless Illuminated Keyboard. It is such a nice keyboard even without the awesome backlight that after using mine, my wife got herself one for work. Battery life is insane!
That's awesome!
Almost all my mods are graphical improvement that have NO affect on the game other than to make it look even more awesome. Improvements in the snow, water, weather, trees, ragdolls, etc can only be a good thing. SkyUI is a must for the PC keyboard/mouse user as it changes the whole inventory interface to be much…
Oooo...yummy! Reminds me a bit of N2O.
Yeah, that's the more disturbing part...why he didn't eat. People can get obsessed to anything, but the degree that it interrupts your life is where the problem is. Why wouldn't you eat?! Did he scrimp and save everything to rent the room for that long and have no money left over for food? Can he not leave the…
I voted for The Darkness II and I was sad it didn't win. Oh well, games on Steam only get cheaper and cheaper over time...I've got loads of other stuff to play while I wait. :)
Wow...go play both of those. Those are the best Sonic games since the old 2D games in my opinion (because they finally got the 2D right again). Unlike Billysastard, I thought Generations was superior to Colors (hurts me not to type Colours), but they were both solid and loads of fun. Colors on the DS is solid…
The audiobooks are also awesome.
Sweet. I never tired of zombies and I think Terminal Reality could actually do some good things. They've never been a "me too" company and seem to like to take risks. Nocturne left a lasting impression on me and I've enjoyed many of Terminal Reality's titles since...and yes, I love BloodRayne warts and all.
It does really seem like a missed opportunity though, this is the time to change it...right on the first hardware update. It would enhance the control of the base system and open up development for more dual stick games. There is the Circlepad pro already for the current 3DS (no one is left out or slighted), why…
Seriously! I like Bejeweled...nothing wrong with that game, but on a list of best PC games when System Shock 2 (or Bioshock) isn't on the list...something wrong there I think. To each there own...but Bejeweled 3 really wasn't bringing anything new to the table.
+1, exactly what I wanted to say.
Hehe...I still have one. It was my first major purchased I saved for all by myself out of paper route money. What a dreadful whining sound it had. :)
Oh cool...I had no idea they were behind Humble Bundles! (I usually buy the bundle when it is available for Windows). I did notice in the video that he mentioned that it was made for a competition, but if it really started to generate revenue, maybe they could throw a patch or two at it to tighten it up.
Yeah, I have it essentially unplayed for the Wii as well (but I haven't played the game before). I'll likely drop the Wii version in favour of the HD version. It doesn't support 480p on the Wii and it looks a little ugly on my HDTV when I booted it up to have a look...then I never got back to it.
Cool...sold! They use the Humble service for distribution too which is nice and easy. Hopefully if
I'll only regret the games that are still shrink wrapped or purchased on Steam that I didn't play.
And in a "real war" I could tell the archer to always stay behind the soldier when I moved it. I think the idea that Civ V is someone more realistic than Civ IV is a bit laughable isn't it? They are both very simple games for combat, nothing like "the real world".
Oh, that's cool at least. I notice the the 2K and other advertisement videos snuck back in to my game with the latest update for vanilla Civ V. Thanks for the info Luke.