
Really?!?!?!?! Wow...thanks, I'll have a look in to it tonight!

*Sigh* A game that sucks away all your time really should be making strides to get me to my addiction quicker. Thanks!

I know! It is insulting really. I've played Civ via email for years...V is a kick in the teeth to play via email. They really need to fix this.

Really? I liked stacking. It wasn't perfect but moving around large armies in Civ V is a real pain. I appreciate what they are going for, but there needs to be something added to fix the pain in Civ V. I think flexible formations or something would work. Allow for groupings to be assigned at least (this unit

Did they bother to include the promised PBEM (Play By Email) they were supposed to add for vanilla Civ V? I am still bitter about that and emailing a Hotseat game is messy and a pain.

I think that whole album "Making Mirrors" is very very solid and is an absolute pleasure to listen to in its entirety. While "Somebody That I Used To Know" is definitely very popular on the radio right is the second single off that album, the first being "Eyes Wide Open" which charted very well. "Somebody

Yeah, I never spent any time with Netflix on the 360 since it didn't support 5.1 sound until very recently. I was pretty happy with it on the PS3, but I have a PC hooked up to my HDTV, so I use Netflix on that.

Sigh...yeah, I couldn't download much of the amazing content given the Plus users because my ol' 60GB drive is full...but what a haul...that's pretty amazing considering the price of a yearly subscription to Plus.

Well, since there was a warning before the pictures, and the fact that we (gamers) should be a people that live by the motto of "If you don't like it, don't play it (or watch it, or buy it, or pirate it)".

You are correct (least the way I see it). These Mary statues are definitely Catholic icons. While Catholicism falls under the banner of Christianity, these are really Catholic objects. Prayers to Mary and rituals including Mary are really a Catholic things not really shared with the other Christian groups.

Make sure to click the link...there are more and different shots. The Astroboy one is pretty awesome.

Really?! That's very strange isn't it? I mean, I have a wired connection and both the fat and slim units have 5400RPM drives don't they? I would have thought that downloading would be the same. Do you know what makes the difference in speed? I've still seen loads of complaints about the download speeds and FAQs

Haha! I have Other M and haven't played it yet...maybe that will change my outlook when I play it. :)

Crazy-assed hardware that takes a lot of time to get your head around is the biggest problem I think. Since a lot of the huge selling games were third party and also available on the 360, having the "lesser" version most often on the PS3 was a bit of a kick in the pants. Also, while the hard drives increased in

Yeah, that struck me as a little backwards stepping...Lara Croft was one of the few female video game heroes that didn't have all that baggage that other games put on female characters. Oh well...we'll have to see how dainty she is in the game. As long as they lose the radio chatter of the last couple games...I'll

I *LOVE* the Game Gear one!! This one is pretty good too.

Yeah, I never had a CDX, though I have a Sega CD. I really wish Sega would release a SEGA CD Collection on a current platform (preferably PC).

Haha! You know...I've never played mine on batteries. I always have played it plugged in. I think the Game Gear scarred me.

I don't think so actually. It was released in NA for the GC, but the Wii version never made it out of Japan/EU until now. Likely only because it is a good advertisement for the third game coming to the Wii U (seriously, Wii U was the best name they could come up with?)

FarCry and Crysis are some of the best games I've ever played, period. Even you said Crysis was amazing. Any company that makes just one AMAZING game is pretty have made at least 2 amazing games in my books makes them someone worth praising.