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I love Yo Gabba Gabba...I was sad when my child didn't want to watch it anymore. I still get this song occasionally stuck in my head after all this time.

Maybe you can get one of these for the Wii U controller. (that thing weighed a ton)

Really? I liked the paper packaging didn't crack or anything awful like the plastic Sega CD/Saturn cases. My paper case still look great...though, if one was stacking them horizontally then maybe the plastic cases are better. Regardless...sure shows how much we all appreciated the advent of DVD cases. :)

The 360 had Condemned at launch...which is one of my all-time favourite games ever on any platform, so that was a pleasant surprise (but the rest of the launch titles were a little weak). As Vaping_Gamer says though, lots of the WiiU stuff looks a little too late "me too" stuff. Pikmin 3 and Mario Bros look to be

That looks excellent. PC please. :)

Yeah, I wanted to play in DX10 regardless, so I settled on playing in a window at 1080p which took up the whole screen aside from the bar you see at the top of the picture. Not an elegant solution and likely a big performance hit for running it like that. Not being able to easily launch in DX9 is a pain too and I

It works for some people, but it is a definite bug for loads of people and is a widely known issue (head to the Steam forums if you want more detailed info). I don't know how you had options for refresh rates though. Most people only show the base resolution. Are you running DX10 or 9...I never bothered to check

Dear Crytek,

Yup...with the change in direction in gameplay for the last game and now the change in actors...I'm not sure how interested I am. Conviction was fun, but it wasn't really Splinter Cell anymore.

Steve Tilly from EP and Reviews on the Run seems to confirm no Ironside for this one on Twitter.

Oh! I didn't know Kojima studios was doing the port...well that's encouraging. Nice to see artists retaining control of their art.

I hope Konami does a better job than the awful Silent Hill HD ports they just did. []

Yeah, I was all psyched to play War of the Worlds, then there was a painful review on Reviews on the Run. []

Yeah, I always wait for PC releases now...seems like a good chunk of the XBLA stuff makes it to PC eventually. Not like a don't have mountains of other stuff to play while I wait.

and it doesn't sound like he plays on the PC either, which is the other end of the power spectrum. I game mostly on PC and I certainly care about power. All the driver options and in-game effects maxed, nice 16x or 32x AA and 60fps @ true 1080p really is a game changer. Sure graphics ain't everything...but they

It certainly wasn't clear what you needed to do, but that was part of the charm. Once you figured it out it was simple really, but for a 4 year old that would have been a tough game.

Haha! I have a similar story with my mother turning off Star Wars for the Colecovision and kicking me outside. I played one game of it for over 3 hours without hitting a Game Over.

Oh I'd agree with maybe one of the "worst bombs" in history, but I thought the game was alright.

Haha! I should have read down two wrote almost the same thing! :)

I really never got the ET hate. I was pretty young when I played it and finished it with some was a pretty good experience for the 2600. It was simple...but there was likely much worse games on the 2600. At least ET gave a slight adventure feel which was lacking in most games on the 2600. Yars Revenge