
Yeah, longevity of my purchase is the MAJOR reason I don't give Origin a look unless I need an EA game that is not available on Steam.

Now playing

I can't think of chopsticks anymore without thinking of this:

I absolutely agree, that a crazy amount for the game plus the DLC.

Or you can wait for it all to go on sale on Steam...that's what I do. Day-one gaming is way to overpriced now.

That's why I play God of is a rock solid guilty pleasure.

Sweet! The first game was really an amazing kart racer filled with nostalgia. But the nostalgia definitely took a back seat to the gameplay and track design (the way it should be). Only thing they need to work on is the PC port; the first game had a pretty lackluster port. Generations on PC is an excellent port

Nope, I show zero interference. My home theater room is in the basement as the calibration dots are as smooth as they can get.

No, I have like zero interference and the controls are as accurate as they are going to get. It is the design and function of the controls that are the problem. It loses track, gets off center (needing to be re-centered), it want some wrist breaking moves when flying etc. They work as well as they are going to

Yeah, I'm well aware how the controls are supposed to work and I've played the game at many different angles, even standing. They are shoddy, inaccurate and get in the way of the gameplay. I have my TV set to absolute minimum lag and there is still loads of issue with the controls. I've read, watched, and heard

I wasn't keen on the Kinect and then friends of ours bought us one for my and my wife's 40th birthdays. I wasn't in the best shape before the Kinect, but I'm certainly getting there now. I've only been at it for a few months, but Dance Central 2 is hands-down the BEST exercise I've ever done. I own a Wii-fit and

Touche. Yes, I suppose it is true that your country has basically made marriage a religious issue, though that's really twisted compared to most progressive countries. The marriage itself still isn't religious, but the ability to marry the person you want to in most states certainly is a religious issue (and it makes me sad to see the plight of homosexuals in America. You're religious lobby has far too much influence. For a country that was founded on the separation of church and state...I can't say that it has been going very well. Your government is infused with religion (though, mine currently isn't so

Agreed. It is certainly rough...but it certainly was fun and definitely innovative. I look forward to Manhunt-Kinect. :) are confusing weddings and marriage. Marriage is marriage...the ceremony you have to celebrate the marriage (which may or may not be religious) is the wedding. Certainly marriage was not recognized without a religious ceremony in many religious countries a very long time ago, but civil marriages have been

Nope. Marriage is a legal agreement. When you get married, you join with a partner in a legal setting. Gay people not being permitted by law to marry is certainly based on the religious influence of lobby groups to governments. It has nothing to do with a marriage being religious (despite what the religious lobby

Huh? What does atheism have to do with getting married? Marriage isn't a religious union...only if you choose to have a religious ceremony. There are lots of legal and benefit reasons that getting married makes sense. (which is why it should be legal for all humans regardless of sexual orientation).

I have a Sega CD version...if they need to show that game, show that version. It isn't as pretty but it talks to you.

The University of Guelph has something like this as a big sculpture along the main road running through the university. It is the concave side that is showing to the road (it doesn't rotate), but as you drive by it, it looks like it is convex and that it is turning to follow you...freaky for sure.

A psycho is a psycho...regardless of their hobbies.

Yeah, I go a step further and have a smart powerbar which shuts down everything at the powerbar once the TV is turned off. Works amazingly well and you don't get that vampiric drain from the electronics even when the consoles are off. The only thing I don't do this with is the PS3 which is set to auto update