
Did you only play the Saturn version of Sonic R? If you played the Saturn version of Sonic R...then yeah, it really sucked ass. The draw distance is horrible on the Saturn and the framerate isn't so good, so it made for a craptacular experience. On Gems (and the PC I presume since on Gems it is the PC port) it is a

I have this on Sonic Gems and my 5 year old and I play it all the time. It is one of the best fighting games you can play with a young child that really does violence in a very cartoon way. It is less brutal by far than most fighters and plays much more like a fighting game than something like Smash Bros. Also, it

Really? I like CG trailers as announcements or teasers. That one certainly was cool and very much in the style of GoW. I am giddy with excitement...GoW is such a guilty pleasure that is so much fun to control.

Do the buttons on the case add unnecessary stress on the unit when you are trying to close them?

And in other news "Keep off my lawn, in my day, and turn it down".

I dunno. It could work for them. Other companies are doing the same I think. Sharp at least I believe.

They've also just implemented a new pricing policy to weed out the discounters on TVs and other electronics. []

Maybe...I have yet to see it really captivate me instead of boring me. I played loads of old classic turn based games and really only enjoyed Vandal Hearts for that style of combat. I play Civ constantly by email with a friend so I know that turn based combat can work...I've just never played an RPG with turn-based

Is it turn-based combat? I'm not a fan of the turned based combat...but that sure is purdy.

Now playing

I saw the title and immediately thought of this.

Actually...I think Jesus was a vampire...all that ritual of drinking blood and such. Still undead. But yeah...I don't know what the Easter holiday has to do with releasing news.

Right...nothing about that woman's cosplay outfit seems to break any rules of public decency according to any laws in the US that I know of. I mean, the difference between the two costumes that she was wearing are minimal...Americans really have to get over boobies.

Really? Was that picture representative of the worst of it? I mean, I've seen more revealing stuff at the beach or on the red carpet for the Oscars. PAX...Puritan Arcade Expo?

Yeah, I have the original controllers for the unit, my kid just understands the Genesis controller better as they are more like modern controllers that he plays with.

Sorry for the delayed response, I was away for the long weekend.

Or...if it bothers you, don't play the game. There are lots of other games for you to play. I didn't play the Left Behind game...I also didn't write a letter to protest it either.

I have my faux wood-paneled set safely boxed away from my 5 year old, but I have a Coleco Gemini (2600) hooked up for him.

They are extremely awful for support...likely the WORST game company I've had to deal with for support considering how big they are. Their email support people have such a bad mastery of English (like farmed out to another country where English is not the first language) that it makes for an extremely frustrating