
I love that album. :)

I love that album. :)

Hear hear! I stopped buying Play and Charge kits because they were a rip off selling me a cable with them every time and that the batteries are the shits. Microsoft really should have improved the batteries and sold them continuously as separate batteries without the cable non-sense.

Yeah, the 360 dashboard is a mess now. It doesn't work well unless you have a Kinect and use voice commands...and those are pretty hit and miss for me to get working reliably as it is. I was very happy with the old Dashboard and the speed you could get around in it. Sony's XMB is kind crappy too...but at least they

That's a shame. They really have been doing very well with making great games lately. I think their biggest problem is actually marketing.

Really? I don't think so. As far as I know all TVs and most PCs can only output 3D @ 1080p/24Hz for 3D (max). This is the limit of an nVidia card connected to a TV and the limit for the PS3. The newest Sony TVs also only support 3D up to 1080p/24hz. It isn't just movies that are locked at 24Hz, it is a hardware

You'll have to get a new TV for 3D @ 1080p/60Hz too. I think the best right now is 1080p/24hz for a TV. We'll likely need HDMI 1.5.

Just keep your PS3 hooked up then. I have a 60GB Fat PS3 with full BC...and I've played so very very little PS1/PS2 on it. Everything I really wanted to play was re-released(HD). I imagine they'll just re-release the popular stuff again for the PS4. BC is nice, but in the end I think most people have enough

Just go watch most of her movies.

I'm sure it had NOTHING to do with the improper storage of a fire arm and blatant dumb-assed parents.

Well said. Plus, have you been to a school yard...these kids ain't saints with their language offline either.

Yes...burn the people who buy your games. That always goes well.

Wow...are you out of the loop. PC gaming is coming back hard and Steam sales figures show this. Many people are making lots more money on PC now than they have in the past. Do some research. Mass Effect on PC in Europe was in the top 10 for game sales last week along side console games. Sure, consoles sell more

Well said!

>I'm not disputing either of these things, but the fact remains there is a way to get physical media from a retailer, and there will remain a way to get physical media for large games because there is no viable way for a significant portion of the gaming populace to get them otherwise. It's one thing to wait on a

Not true actually. Many physical games in stores are just Steam games with the data on the disc. You still need Steam to run the game and to update it. You are seeing more and more games coming down as digital download only and this will only increase. As the lines blur between XBLA games and retail game you are

I don't agree with that. Console have a multitude of parental controls for security. I have a password on my Gold Live account so my kid (5 year old) can't access it and use my credit card. His Gold account is a Child account with tons of restrictions. All the consoles go online now. People buy consoles because

It works just fine for Steam right now. I buy the vast majority of my video games on PC and 99% of those are via Steam (the rest are via other digital services). My PSP is download only. I can't see it being much of an issue. Internet packages will grown in size as people use more bandwidth.

Well...PC gaming has pretty much gone DL-only and no one really seems to complain.

It is download only I believe so you can't get it used, but it will go on sale at some point too. I certainly have way more than enough to play right now...I can wait for a big sale on console or a PC port.