It’s usually a dealer add-on so they can pad the invoice with an additional $350. Plus, it’s still a thing amongst a certain generation. Kind of like my grandpa who bought a Chevy Impala in 1985 or so and was miffed that most cars “didn’t even come with whitewall tires!”
It’s not. He’s my rep and he is actually that stupid.
“The Land Cruiser rides on a new platform called GA-F.”
That interior is the difference between old and new money. I grew up around money so old it financed the ark, and none of those people would have been caught dead in that amazingly tacky car.
yes and no. i’ve seen lots of those videos too but remember there are about 350M people in this country. how many interactions DON’T end up with some cop being an asshole? lots.
The movies or TV shows go over the top on product placement and ensure that every vehicle on screen is from the exact same make. The most glaring in recent memory are from the MCU when everyone drove Acuras , not hondas, Acuras. The government agencies drive Suburbans, Tahoes, explores, chargers, Crown Vics, and…
This should have more stars. I guess there’s a sub-question to this: Which cars were so obviously a product placement that they distracted from what was going on on screen?
You know what man? I’m so sick of this bullshit. What, I’m supposed to APOLOGIZE for my family leaving me money? All I EVER wanted to be was a cop. I go out there and take it to the max everyday. I’m the first guy through the door and I’m always the last one to leave the crime scene. So you know what? F*** you, and…
If you can’t figure out what the safety implications of not being able to see over the hood are, that’s your defect, not ours.
“We did stupid dangerous shit in the past and managed to survive and therefore we should never ban stupid dangerous shit” isn’t really a coherent argument.
THANK YOU! Lifting trucks is dangerous to other drivers and should be illegal for public roads. If you want a lifted offroader, trailer it.
(plus I hate how I can’t see around them on the road)
A colleague bought an Audi Q2 and paid lots extra to put 19" wheels and offroad-looking cladding on it, but skipped on the quattro, because “we don’t need quattro here on the coast”. While she is right in that there is less snow at the coast than in the mountains, the piece of coast she lives at still gets enough snow…
I’ll jsut repost my earlier comment from The Root, since this article is even worse:
I genuinely can’t wrap my mind around how so many seemingly intelligent writers actually, truly believe that this says anything at all about Ellie Kemper’s character. Just insane, the bubbles some people live in.
The AV Club needs fewer Vice and Buzzfeed hires.
I’m not sure I see how she’s to blame for anything.