Gosh, sure. I was never a pro or anything, never made it past college, but I’d be happy to share what I’ve experienced. Is there anything in particular you want to know?
Gosh, sure. I was never a pro or anything, never made it past college, but I’d be happy to share what I’ve experienced. Is there anything in particular you want to know?
Um, I might or might not have seen this and then played NBA 96 all night. Curse the day they invented browser flash emulators.
Meh. The call Harper got ejected for arguing looked pretty legit to me.
Former baseball player here, family members have worked as coaches and umps. You’re 100% right. He’s de-escalating – both reducing the likelihood that Harper is going to do some other dumb thing in response to perceived aggression (after all, Harper is the goose laying the lovely golden eggs, so we must not lead him…
He probably meant “a statement that the president of an FBS school could bring himself to make.” I’ve been in academia a fair amount of time, and one of the biggest semi-secrets (except to those who pay attention to the ongoing NCAA vs. college athletes travesty) is how pathetic most of these people are. Most of the…
Spot on.
I can’t help hate-reading not-apologies like this. The first people he not-apologizes to are the people whose image of him is now tarnished, rather than the people he has harmed most directly. Naturally, he doesn’t even bother not-apologizing to the individual he sent off on a stretcher. He feels the need to point out…
Or maybe Aaron Hernandez’s?
As long as the 70+ hours are being happily spent – well, you know, inasmuch as they can be when it comes to jobs – this is my dream scenario too ;)
I really respect you for not signing.
“I feel slightly violated that you checked out the contents of my shopping cart. Is that so wrong?!”
“I also have avocados in my basket.”
George Will and douchebaggery: the exhilarating tension between being and becoming.
It might be worth mentioning that Erik Spoelstra was there the night Hank Gathers died – Spo was playing point guard for the Portland Pilots, and Gathers was a star on Loyola Marymount. Gathers had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, but he thought the meds he was prescribed were damaging his ability to play at a high level,…
Would I? Damn straight! It’s the painfully sincere ones that get me. (Bonus points if they are actors who can carry a four-minute single take.)
I think the implication is that the women were whoring themselves out to the Port of Seattle, which opposed selling Chris Hansen the street because the sports traffic would have messed with Port business.
Or perhaps, should the fact that no supervising adult noticed anything wrong be taken into consideration as a mitigating factor? I don’t know, I’m sure the picture we see in the video above is blurred, but I wouldn’t even have known where to look for a penis if they hadn’t circled the spot.
What I hope the author meant was that high school kids deserve a little bit more slack than people over the age of majority when it comes to dumb but not obviously malicious stuff like this. I hope he didn’t seriously mean that dumb-but-not-obviously-malicious behavior was something we should be encouraging. If you…
Good point about the time crunch. I’m so inured to famous people doing dumb things on social media that it didn’t even cross my mind that he hadn’t posted the video himself. If teams had the time to put the story together and realize this was an attack on him (using, apparently, a years-old video), they might have…
Not to know when to keep quiet – and unable to lie on command, which is probably even worse for a public figure in the long run.