
Those arches look like ass. Yeah great idea, “Let’s make the wheels look tiny!”

No problem, stop buying Bud? Easy, just drink the shit. You’ll stop buying it after beer 1. Well, I say beer, whatever the fuck it is...

Might sound off topic, but whilever there is boxing and mma, you aren’t going to be able to outlaw people punching each other.

Maybe it’s not worth criminalising in general, and they can concentrate on actual sex trafficking and modern slavery.

Wierd thought... Why not see what it'll be like? 

Did anyone make this yet? I fucking did.

Literally the only time I've heard of them is at kinja. YOU stop enabling them.

Finally, actual space-docking I can show my kids, internet perverts.

You know, I drive past the real Zax every now and then. In an interview some time ago, he said he actually regretted being Zax after about 3 years of being Zax...

A well landed punch drops send-in-the-drones, like a 4-whe...  I mean 3-wheeler tipping on its side

So the alfa costs £1400 more per year? Total bargain. Science. 

You do realise that the US is the only western nation to have nut jobs like this on hard rotation, don’t you...

Pfft.... Kimi was probably asleep, or rewiring the electric short in the cockpit at the time (its an Alfa) also championships so y'know

Imagine if he’d been in a real F1 Car.

Did I read him right? He traded a second round pick, to free up some money, to buy a second round pick.

Maybe its a cultural issue? I don’t understand this one bit. But I also don’t fully understand american sensibilities either.

How is this human easter egg still in a job? 

Judging by the comments, Claire, people really want their calcium chloride and you can’t stop them.

To be fair, the megane convertible IS the people's convertible. It may be far from a dream car, but unlike the overpriced Vauxhall astra with roof not included, the meganes are Sooooo cheap. Like £200 used. And the market is flooded. 

Thanks for the explanation, The Flash. Said no-one.