
I don't think it's even delusion. He refuses to acknowledge it because he doesn't have to. Everyone might be calling him a scumbag but given his immense amount of money and bizarrely loyal fanbase I don't think he would even know how hated he is.

It's a bit depressing that even at a million dollars, he probably just shook the change out of his couch to cover it, given how serious the offense is and his previous record. Maybe your bail should be set in proportion to your income? Or would that be too logical

To him it wouldn't make a goddamn difference where he goes.

Jesus, Kindergarten Cop 2 promo image is shot like a front page to the newspaper every second day.. If youre going to have a cop in a wacky movie like this one maybe he shouldnt be decked out in SWAT armour

"Suicide Squad" and "best of.." have not, do not and will not have anything to do with each other at any point in time.

Ugh..Back Stabbin Betty…ugh..In one Ear is awesome though.

"Nothing will stand in our way.. I will finish what you started"

*washes eyes out with soap*

The trauma of Identity Thief has forever darkened my opinion of her, though to be fair Jason Bateman had just as large a role in that atrocity

This is true.. but that's what? 12 years old? What else has this neglected national treasure been in since then? Bones and Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2..

I'm not depressed because theyre girls, I'm depressed because none of them is Ernie Hudson. When I heard about the reboot i thought it would be a great way for him to restart his (never really started career) and now my dream is in tatters. He's an incredibly gifted actor who should be seen much more but has remained

I stupidly misread the comment and thought he meant brand in the present. I have failed in comprehension and insulted the English language.

Lower class?? He defines the pompous upper-class self-entitled twat bags that make up the young upper middle class in Britain. Theres nothing lower class about him.

Oh Seans fine! He's at Starwipe…upstate! Where he can play with the other alcoholics!

I liked Bart's portrayal in Lisas Wedding too. It was realistic and he had made something of himself which was why it clicked for me, the writers weren't insulting him or anything, he was happy where he was and was a decent guy in it.

Well…prison preferably but those other things too!

/threw himself into a volcano

In Ireland we have a phrase to describe low-level self important, usually
rural, dirtbags who go into local politics to get themselves rich,
"Cute Hoor".

Anyone else? Anyone?? no.. sigh…ok then..

The concept of electing Sheriffs who are supposed to be NEUTRAL enforcers of the law is quite possibly the most stunningly bad idea in the history of humanity.