
Being Irish, I've used "Potato-man!" on more occasions then I'd like to admit

The A.V.Club

If you look for the stories they omitted from the bible jesus was a murdering psychopath who rode dragons and killed 2 kids while he was a child himself. The testament Apocrypha is probably the one they're reading from


Wrong, I never said he was a genius level manipulator. Congratulations on defining my words utterly incorrectly and subjectively thus making you an idiot by your own definition .I said he was slightly more intelligent then the gutter sucking moron you make him out to be, and should be regarded as such.

Again, wrong. Don't think that because someone doesnt act intelligent that they arent. Politics in the US is very superficial and people vote on the basis of how politicians act, not on who they are. Why do you think politicians have to have an image in the first place. Ben Carson has a simple image, don't for a

Wrong, well youre right about Neurosurgery being a technical skill but to even be allowed to do it, you have to demonstrate 7 years+ of skills which require intelligence. I hate Ben Carson and think he's insane, but I wont doubt the mans intelligence for a second, in fact i think thats a very risky thing to do. Its

Well if we're not including only celebs Dylan Roof is probably the person I'd most want to have 15 minutes alone in a room with a tire iron

Not necessarily, well reasoned arguments imply you have a foundation thats based off of common sense and the definition of that foundation varies from person-to-person. Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon so theoretically is extremely intelligent but he's also an utter lunatic.

You're lesbian for Barack Obama…*head explodes

While Trump is grandiose about his racism and assholery I find Carson to be worse because his opinions are largely the same but he just doesnt say them. When he said he'd "pray" for his opponents I find that to be much more assholish then trump who at this stage is either a troll or completely deranged.

You probably should have omitted the word "beloved"

Except in your final year where its a 1,1, 2,1 or a desmond (seriously)

Krampus was ElDan all along!

How undowdian of you. He's overexcited!

Its nice to know there are constants in life, Dowds accuracy is on par with an atomic clock

Easy listening with a nice touch of psychedelic rock, also "In One Ear" is catchy as hell even if its a bit preppy. I know its not groundbreaking but its fun

"Nick Cannon[s]..blue-balls..bursting into flame in a..historical-power-fantasy sex-game..frequently enveloped in sap."
-Ignatiy Vishnevtsky, The AVClub

I just hope he ate a light meal before..

The AVclub plugging Clickhole on GJI feels like I'm witnessing a creepy circlejerk between two uncles or something