
I'd struggle to understand his point even with the context. It's like comparing Greenpeace to the Khmer Rogue because they're both technically environmentalists.

Your punishment, however brutal, is just.

It's such a cynical wink to the audience. I cringe when it happens.

Mr Biehn, this is a girl scout meeting!

The hack guilty of a joke too cringy and contrived for a James Bond movie should be sentenced to be an AVClub comments moderator for life.

"The first words spoken in Victor Frankenstein are “You know the
story,” and anyone who simply mutters “Yep,” gets up, and heads back to
the box office for a refund will be well ahead of the game."

I thought it was kinda middling, felt far too long and when your naming your lead just to make an av-club level cringy pun you have problems.

A shitty bond film does not equal a shitty bond actor.

For a standard spy story to go exceed 100 minutes I think is stupid. Jesus The World is not Enough and Quantum of Solace could have had a third of their runtime stripped off with fuck all difference

Yeah like you can talk

I completely disagree with you in regards to Kenya not getting any attention, or even getting far less. That was front page news for 3 or 4 days here. There was also a large service outside the Embassy and our national newspaper altered its headline (something it does very rarely) to show what had happened.

Oh hai confused commenters

But theres such a variety of proxy to go for! Every country over there had had their dirty little hands in Lebannons affairs

That quote also doubles as the summary to figuring out what the hell went wrong in the prequels as well!

I feel a great disturbance in the force. As if millions of voices cried out Bullshit! C3P0 was a million time more awesome then Jar Jar binks and the prequels sucked hard

I didnt do it but I dont view it as that malevolant or begrudge people who do. I think it was just something facebook thought they could do to show theyre support and a small way you could show yours. If that's youre small act of solidarity, thats fine.

One of the big differentials to me is the fact that Beirut was a car-bombing. Disgraceful and wretched car bombing but there's something soulless about it.

And Irish people are portrayed as Leprechauns, drunks and terrorists (which to be fair is at least 66% true) I still don't take offense and actively dislike anybody who does.

I actually had to check wikipedia to see what the b-plot to that episode was. I can't remember it being bad, or much at all about it to be honest. But the sheer awfulness of what followed is much more memorable, if only as the most agreed upon point where the Simpsons were finally completely Scullyised.

This is a series that has had