
the final clue was that, unlike most other documentaries, this has a huge "VEVO" watermark plastered on the screen

My Great grandfather was killed at Lille during the retreat. Usually I'm not a big fan of ww2 era war movies (with some exceptions obviously) but this looks incredible and the fact that I'll be emotionally invested in it is something I'm really looking forward to.

Him making a social news feed that doesn't feel desperately contrived and fake is literally the only redeeming factor of the man

This is a stupid argument, Scorsese directs movies that would naturally have the focus on working class white men. It might not be his niche but its certaintly his preferred genre. I dont think race or gender are really a factor in Scorsese's mind when he decides to take on a project as much as "How many gritty ways

This should have never been a story that lasted this long

People in the west hear more about attacks on the western world then people in the east and vice versa.

Is.. is this real??

Captain! We're reaching Pitchfork levels of meandering bullshit!

I might get a hammering for this, but Pain & Gain is actually a great (or very good) movie. It's a Michael Bay movie with a Coen broethers attitude of the world and I thought the 2 came together nicely.

For the people like me who think that the movie is in fact totally unsuspensful and silly (albeit with a far better ending then the book), and the worst Kubricks done "man in bear suit giving blowjob" will be the rallying cry of our last stand

I don't really like the thought of having to compare everything to Hitler before launching military operations. I mean it doesn't seem like a very concrete standard.

There's beauty therapy, mud baths and Zycling!

Holocaust center makes a death camp sound like the DMV. Never has something like the holocaust been quite as neutered by such astonishing stupidity

Last paragraph, I 100% agree with. I'm under no illusion that Trump did this because his eyes got waterey over the dead. He's showed his hypocrisy repeatedly but I still am not judging the actions on the basis of the man behind them but on the actions themselves and in my opinion they were justified.

I don't personally know what should be done, and don't try to tell me that I was saying that. I said I agreed with this military action as civilians were gassed to death.

He shouldn't have set a red line if he didnt think he'd be able to defend his position when it was crossed. As a result his, and US credibility, was damaged. I also seem to remember huge US opposition to strikes in Libya which still went ahead back in 2011.

What about when the previous administration authorized air strikes in Libya? Strikes which they were slated for in the US but I in fact supported. How are these any different? They show that there is a line that will warrant retaliatory action.

Ya know I don't support Trump one bit, but in this case there WERE consequences for Assad totally and wilfully ignoring every warning against him, and violating every agreement the Obama had laid out.

Was this not the whole point of a large amount of The Force Awakens?

I always saw him as a lost member of the Bee Gees